The Proposal

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Lyle's POV: I put Erin's stuff in the trunk with mine and joined her, getting in the driver's seat. She put a hand on my leg. "You look tense. Everything okay?" she asked as I started down the road to school. "Yeah--actually no. I can't figure out what to do. Rick and Morty are at each other's throats and I ca--FUCK!" I yelled as we pulled up to a traffic jam. I immediately got an idea. I transformed and with all the power I could muster I turned the car and both of us intangible and invisible. Sweating like crazy I floored it and managed to drive ahead of it. I waited a few minutes before pulling over at the school entrance and turning the car tangible again. "You okay? That was quite the maneuver." she asked. "A bit shaky, but I'll be fine." I said.

Erin's POV: I looked at Lyle calmly. "If you feel anything weird at all, chills, aches. Anything. Just tap me twice on the arm and we'll leave. We practiced this." I said, confident that I reassured him. "Yeah, let's go." he said. As we exited the car, I noticed an angry Dash Baxter walking towards us. "Hey, Fenton! I've got one thing--" I whirled around and punched him in the face. "NOT NOW." I growled, pulling an astonished Lyle towards our lockers as we walked in.

Lyle's POV: "What you did back there, thanks. I don't want to deal with Dash today." I said. "Remember that you did the same for me when I first started school here?" she asked, to which I nodded. "Forever ingrained in my head. Oh, darn, forgot the bags. BRB." I said, excusing myself. Erin grabbed my arm. "Not without this." she said, producing a vial of ectoplasm from her pocket. I gave her a look of confusion. "I'm just being careful. I swiped some from the basement three days ago."

"Why didn't I know? I should've sensed you phasing through the wall. I was home at the time." I said.

She rested a hand on my shoulder. "You or someone else left a window open. Also, you were home: fast asleep on the couch. I got in and out without waking you. I didn't want to, you're so cute when you're sleeping. What am I saying? You're always cute. Anyway, drink up." she said, uncorking the vial. I quickly downed it just to get it over with, still shuddering at the taste. "As usual, it tastes like feet. But the vial smelled like coconut." I said. "Coconut scented shea butter skin cream. I use it all the time."

That made sense. I walked out to the car and grabbed our bags, dropping something in Erin's. "She's gonna be so happy. I can't wait to tell her." I closed the trunk to find Erin leaning against the passenger side door. "Tell me what? And I wanted to make sure that you didn't forget anything. Like this." she said, removing a bag from the trunk. "I don't understand women and their fascination with handbags and accessories and the like. When did you--"

"Yesterday. I don't tell you everything. You like it?" Erin asked. The bag was a seafoam green clutch that looked like it was made out of leather. "It is nice, and it compliments your always lovely eyes." I said. She batted her eyes. "Oh, such a smooth operator." she said, offering her arm, which I took. We walked back in, ready for the day.

Erin's POV: Six hours later, I was waiting at Lyle's car. "He answered my text, and he said he'd be right out. It's been 10 minutes." I grumbled. Right on cue, Lyle appeared. "What's with the tux?" I asked. "Things will be clear very soon." Lyle said. "Okay. I won't pry any further. Let's go." I said.

Lyle's POV: As we arrived at Erin's house, I calmed myself. You can do this Lyle. Pop the question. My thoughts were interrupted by Erin. "You alright? I hope it's not going to be a repeat of last time." she said. "I'm fine. And that was in the past. I was angry, confused, possibly a bit hungry... man I'm a mess." I said, not realizing I said that last part out loud. "But you're my mess." Erin said as I opened the passenger side door for her. "If you don't mind that." I said, ringing the doorbell. "I don't." Erin said. We were greeted at the door by Ryan and Eve Sanders, who gave Erin and I a hug. "You really did a solid for us by paying off our debt, Lyle. I'm able to afford the bills now. Whatever you need, name it. We'll find a way to get it." Ryan said. I saw him mouth something. I gave him a thumbs-up. "How's about you go inside, and I'll grab your things?" I asked Erin. She nodded. I went back to the car and took the small box from Erin's bag and put it in my pocket. I handed Erin her things and followed her in. "You still haven't told me why you're in a tux." she said. "I think now's the right time." I spoke. "For what?" she asked. I took a deep breath and let it out, dropped to one knee, and pulled out the box. "Erin, you've made me the happiest guy alive. I feel so much warmth when I'm around you. What I'm trying to ask is, Erin Mary-Ann Sanders, will you marry me?" I asked. "OMG YES! Wait... Mom, Dad, did you know?" she asked. "Come to the backyard. We have a surprise for you." Eve said. "We helped set it up, so yes, we knew." "Set what up?" Erin asked. I had to calm her down as she started crying tears of joy. The backyard was decked out in a very appealing way. "A traditional wedding. It's what I told my parents I wanted. But to see you and them here... it's perfect." she said.

We then proceeded to invite everyone. Basically everyone except Dash and Paulina. "I have to admit, I'm happy for you two." Rick said. Yes, even Rick came, with surprisingly little argument. "Rick has a longtime friend whose wedding he went to. He's known as Birdperson... Self-explanatory name I know. Turns out the bride worked for the Galactic Federation, and Rick sort of ended up having to kill her. It's really better if Rick explains it." Morty said. I nodded. "I got it. Birdperson meets girl, girl turns out to be working for-- Galactic what?" I asked. "Later, babe. We're on." Erin said. "Not just yet. There's one more thing. Mrs. S? If you would." I said as she handed me a medium-sized box with a bow on it. "I hope you like it. Cost me like $800." I said, handing it to her. I then watched my wife-to-be squeal in shock and delight. "That's really your go-to for expressing your happiness, huh?" I asked sarcastically. An aquamarine dress with sequins on it was in full view of Erin's delighted face. "I love it! You really spent that much on it?" she asked. "Well, I was able to sell some of the Fenton tech for parts, make a few phone calls, it was just on the side. But yes, you're worth so much more than that dress. I just wanted you to -"

I was silenced by Erin kissing me deeply. "You really do talk too much. Anyway I'll get this on and we'll have a wedding. Sound good?" she asked. "Of course." I said as I watched her walk away. "Nice ass." a familiar voice said. "James! You made it? How was Tijuana?" I asked him. He was accompanied by his girlfriend Sarah Nuñez. "It was great. Sarah introduced me to her parents, one thing led to another, and well I'll let her show you."

Sarah giggled and flashed a silver engagement ring. "He was marvelous. He gave me this as a surprise when we crossed back into the States."

I was then treated to the sight of Erin's return: She'd straightened her usually loosely curled hair and had paired the dress with the boots I gave her. She looked positively radiant. "You gonna stand there, mouth agape, or are we doing this?" she asked. I nodded. "Let's do it."

Everything went fine until we had to say our vows: "I didn't prepare anything." I whispered to her. "Wing it. I didn't prepare anything either." she said. Great minds think alike.

"Well, first off. Erin, when we first met I'd just finished saving you. It wasn't a decision. I felt like it was necessary. And boy was I right. 4 years later and we're here. I was always telling myself to just ask you. So now that I did, and you're here smiling and looking just as beautiful, what I'm getting at is, you're my world, the moon to my sun, my everything, and I love you. I always will, even when we're mad."

That part got a laugh from those attending. "You're so much more than even that. If I lost you, I'd never move on. But enough about me, let's--" I stopped as my ghost sense went off. "Oh come on!"

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