Chapter 39

220 21 7

Day: 1230

Days Left: 4250

Lives Saved: 6

Jules was sure he was lost, all the fluorescent emerald trees looking identical. Usually, at this time, there would be at least a faint sign of smoke rising above the canopy from the fire to heat the food, but Jules guessed that that fire would be put out. So, with no reference to go on, Jules just went in the vague direction to the village, hoping that he would find it eventually or the river from the Raining Marshes.

He focused on what he would say to his friends to persuade them to confront Annika with him, and then what he would say to the people that he had been lying to, pretending to be Kai; that was a conversation he was not looking forward to, especially as many of them had confided in 'Kai' about rather personal things, despite Jules doing his best to avoid them. And then there was, of course, how long this charade had gone on and how the real Kai had been imprisoned all this time.

But in the back of his thoughts, Jules could not help thinking about Talon, how scared they looked, how without them their chances of succeeding were considerably lower, and then Jules wondered what it was like to lose his memories like Talon, or like Sumit and Oscar; the only true death in the Eternal Abyss. That's what he would be risking. If he was to rally people against Annika, how would she react? Would she snap? Would she finally use one of the bullets?

These thoughts were cut short before they spiralled out of control as Jules spotted a group of seven in the distance through the trees. Recognising them, Jules waved his hand and rushed over before stopping, remembering that he was still disguised as Kai.

"Kai!" Sumit called out, also waving back.

Jules paused, confused, as Sumit, Rin, Corinna, and Lili did not appear to be restrained despite Rita, Rachel, and Bert walking alongside them. Neither party seemed to be a prisoner.

"What's going on?" Jules looked at everyone, sensing no ill will.

"The other group attacked our village," replied Rin, an almost smile on her face to see Kai safe perhaps. "Were you there when it happened? Where is everyone?"

"Uh..." Jules hesitated, looking between the group that believed him to be the real Kai and then to his friends.

Rita frowned as if studying him. "Which one are you?"

The others looked at her in confusion.

Jules sucked in a breath and let out a long sigh. "I'm not Kai; I'm Jules."

Lili's eyes widened, then turned into a scowl. "This is Jules?" she asked Rita. "The one who infiltrated our group?"

"I'll apologise properly later!" said Jules quickly, not wanting an argument to unfold at this moment. "But right now, we need to get back to the camp! Annika has the real Kai, and Ms Ivette, Oscar, Princess Alfreda and Calixte held captive!"

"Where are the others?" asked Lili. "Where's Calanthe? The imps? Mr Dex?"

"Aren't they at the village?" Jules looked at Rita.

Rita shook her head. "They were all gone. They must have taken them to the camp."

Jules swore under his breath. "I must have just missed them on the way here." He wished for once that he had a better sense of direction.

"Then let's go," said Lili sternly, eyeing Jules warily as she passed and marched onwards through the forest, everyone following her.

"What was your plan?" asked Jules, struggling to keep up with her long strides. "How are all of you working together?"

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