Chapter 65

139 14 3

Day: 1532

Days Left: 3948

Lives Saved: 8

Neither side was particularly satisfied with this solution. Corinna knew that appeasing one side over the other would just cause more trouble, regardless of her own morals and feelings on the matter. If people voted, at least they could only blame each other, and the decision was not on her. To make this more humane and fair, instead of immediately voting, each prisoner whose brand was... controversial to remain in the village was given time to defend their case.

As the prisoner who this all started with, Junior was first to trial, but he merely declared that a trial was unnecessary.

"I can argue as much as I want," said Junior. "I could argue the whole nature versus nurture, and since I lost my memories of who I was, should we convict that person of the crime they do not remember committing? Or try to persuade you that I wish no harm to anyone and have no inclination or that my crime was looking at photos, which is, of course, still monstrous," he added, looking to Dex. "But even if I win this trial and stay here, that would not change how all of you now see me." Junior bowed his head. "So, I will make this easy for everyone and just leave."

There was a moment of silence. Dex was conflicted; whilst he did want Junior gone, he also wanted to see more punishment, more pleading and begging, so Junior leaving so peacefully was unsatisfying, but Dex kept telling himself that Junior leaving was the important part, not his own sense of karmic justice.

The others on trial were not so calm, either sobbing or yelling throughout the whole process. Once all of the votes for each individual were counted out in the open, as everyone was distrusting, the verdict was announced. None of the prisoners on trial were voted to stay; they were exiled from the village. A few ran as rocks and stones were thrown at them, others kicked and screamed as they were hauled out.

"Please! Please!" cried Tall Rachel as she was dragged out. "I've never tried to eat anyone! Please!" She looked at her friends, hoping that they would walk out with her. They glanced around at all of the houses, the food and water, and the safety they would be sacrificing, then looked away from Tall Rachel in guilt as she was taken outside of the village.

"I don't remember! I don't remember any of it!" Kipling was kneeling, begging before Corinna, who sat on a judge's chair, raised above everyone else. "Please, Corinna! You know I only woke up a few months ago! I don't remember doing it! It wasn't me! It wasn't me!"

Corinna stiffened in her seat, trying to steel herself as Kipling was finally hauled away too, his nails clawing at the grass.

Kai looked down at all of the votes, roughly two to one in favour of exiling everyone. His fingers felt the back of his brand, tracing the words 'murder'. 

These people lived in this community before he did, years before, perhaps were even one of the group's founders, and yet they were hauled away. All of their previous rules, or rather lack of rules, had changed to how his own group functioned. Their two groups were supposed to have just merged together, and yet it seemed more that one group had devoured the other and taken control of their land.

Kai looked over to Corinna, their beloved leader, and saw a vacant expression on her face, unblinking and unmoving like a gargoyle, as the last person was taken away.

Roughly 300 Years Ago

The months passed away quickly, and Calixte and Violette's connection only grew closer if it was even possible before. They continued with their weekly lessons, Violette passing her grade three piano exam with full marks. The very first kick from the baby was during a duet, much to Calixte's relief as he believed it a sign that the child will grow up to be a music lover. Every night he could, Calixte would sing to Violette's growing bump, mostly Mr Fish The Flatulent Fish, by Violette's insistent request, though Calixte was in the works drafting more appropriate nursery rhymes to sing when the baby was finally born.

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