Chapter 55

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Roughly 300 Years Ago

To make it official that Calixte was to be Queen Violette's concubine, he required her husband's approval, King Osmond. Calixte almost wanted to back out of the entire thing, but he managed to fight through his fear, his mind focused on Violette. He just had to survive this, and then he would be able to be with Violette.

After making himself presentable, Calixte headed to the appointed meeting place in the castle. A servant allowed him entry into the northwest drawing room and inside awaited King Osmond, wearing his golden lion mask and the most extravagant hunting attire Calixte had ever seen. The garment seemed to be counter-initiative to hunting, so gaudy in its exuberance that any animal could see it coming. Or perhaps that was what King Osmond wanted, a challenge for him and his prey to know who killed them.

Hanging from the walls were the heads of a range of taxidermy animal heads and skulls from the local to the exotic, which the king had killed himself, the dates and locations marked on plaques.

Calixte swallowed, his hand subconsciously reaching for his own neck, imagining his own head hanging on the wall. Once he approached, he knelt down before the king, his head bowed. "Your Majesty," his voice squeaked despite his efforts to sound more confident.

There was a slight chuckle behind the king's golden lion mask. "Good," he said. "You should be scared. Just so you are aware, if you dare to defile or hurt My Queen..." King Osmond glanced behind him at the wall of mounted animal heads. "You will end up on there too."

"I swear, Your Majesty," said Calixte. "I will never do such a thing."

"You best not." The king gazed down at the kneeling Calixte before finally ordering him to rise.

Calixte obeyed.

"You're that fish pianist, aren't you?" asked King Osmond. "Barbel?"

"Yes, Your Majesty is correct," replied Calixte, too scared to correct him and wrapping his head around that the king did not know who he was beforehand or perhaps did not care.

"You have climbed the ladder quite far, haven't you? A son of a minor baron with no magic now with deep connections to the crown." King Osmond cocked his head to the side, his voice almost growling. "Do not get ahead of yourself, Barbel. You may be fucking the queen but do not think you hold any power because of it."

There was a moment of silence.

And then King Osmond started laughing after seeing Calixte's reaction.

"You haven't even done it yet, have you?" the king roared. "What kind of man are you! How did she even choose you to be a concubine if she doesn't know if you'll be any good?"

Calixte bowed his head, his lip quivering.

"And here I thought you two were fucking instead of having those piano lessons."

"Our relationship," Calixte hesitated. "Was a recent development."

"Then what have you done then since then if not fuck? What is the purpose of you being a concubine?"

"We... we go on walks in the countryside," replied Calixte. "And play the piano together, read poetry..." Calixte also wanted to say they hug and hold hands sometimes but felt too embarrassed.

"Really? That's all?" sneered King Osmond. "Oh, I see now. You're not her concubine; you're just a hired friend. Well, I guess I am no longer concerned about you impregnating her before she bears me any children, especially since you have no magic." He sighed. "Very well, you are approved, Barbel. Go be My Queen's companion and have your chaste romps through the countryside."

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