> log.03

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Should I start a Ko-Fi? I mean, I need money but I also write...? It'll give me more time to write if I was getting money for it. But then, I don't have a following. But then time costs moneys and...bruh.

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> Log.03/.//02

This year sucks. Next year better not suck. Give me a break. Anyways, I'm going to my psychiatrist appointment in two days and I literally still had a refill waiting. I've been off my meds for two days because my mom said she'd get them but never does. I think there's only a slight difference between my behaviour on and off them. Maybe it's the period talking lmao.

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> Log.03/.//03

Can you believe my witchcraft journey started with either 9 or 10 year old me wanting to do spells to make me turn into a vampire? Crying at how stupid I was but I'm happy that I didn't get too indoctrined in religion due to my father because of it. I feel much better dabbling in witchcraft (spoiler: no, you can't turn yourself into a vampire. Though, I'm sure I've heard "energy vampire" be thrown around...mainly by the "mental health" community so take that as you will) than I did having the fear of God put into me.
Wait, does that also tie into my monster fucker tendencies? Naw I did not sign up for the Armageddon to influence the present me's kinks and attractions.

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> Log.03/.//04

This book just being me talking about my weird ass attractions lmao. Simp list next!

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> Log.03/.//05

Me realizing that I gave my OC Etsuko a terrible hand in life and that if she wasn't surrounded by death since she was young and wasn't neglected since she was tiny, then she wouldn't have ended up like I wrote her character as.

So you're telling me someone who was basically raised by her aunt and uncle because her parents were too busy or too attentive to her brother and then came across her aunt hanging after suicide wouldn't be fucked up? Or how her uncle who was basically her father figure suddenly disappeared only it turns out he was arrested and ended up killing himself in prison and she didn't know until his memorial? Literally, bro... there's so much more.

I really gave her a shitty hand. Wow.

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