> log.19

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I have that stupid FUUUUcking Poopsie Slime Surprise song they're getting sued for stuck in my head. Poop related toys are going to be my twelfth reason and their stupid ahh scat fetish bum ass commercial songs are going to be my thirteenth reason.

For real, what is with poop toys? I know kids want to mimick their parents (can we please try to coax kids not to? I know they're big imitators but...) but they don't have to tie everything to bodily function unless it's an educational toy directed at potty training age. Poopsie slime surprise isn't. I remember getting that Barbie dog that poops for my birthday when I was around 7 or something and I was sooooo turned off the toy because of the pooping aspect. I distinctly remember feeling disgusted and disturbed at the concept of having a pooping toy. Peeing toys are different for me because usually pee isn't ugly, stinky, as dangerous as shit and stuff like that. And that dog toy was pretty good for any aged kid because it could correlate to teaching them how to take care of a dog with, like, walking it and picking up after it. At an age after, like, 4 you don't have to take care of potty training anymore...or worry about taking care of a fucking kid because you would be a kid still!

But what I'm getting at is, even as a little tiny bud sprout, I hated poop toys but they seem to be everywhere now and I'm so happy I'm not a kid nowadays because of it...even though I probably wouldn't be getting any toys because they would be too expensive nowadays and I'd probably have to go browse toys at Goodwill even more than the early-mid 2000s knowing that things have gotten waaaay more expensive in the 20's.

Look at those run on sentences and bad grammar. Well, this is a rambled thoughts book instead of an actual one so I'm not focusing on proof reading and editing...still feels wrong, though.

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> Log.19/.//02

Ugh, satanic panic is coming back. I wish people weren't so ignorant and gullible. Go back to the 80s-90s, babes smh.

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> Log.19/.//03

Choking. One of the food pins in my recipe board was saved to a board called 'mouth sex'. Why didn't I think of that?

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> Log.19/.//04

Do the people in my house know how much cholesterol is in just one egg? Two boxes of 60 is gone withint the month. 120 eggs. Now think about three every time they decide to make some for themselves. Concerning and also infuriating. Sincerely, someone who thrives on baking and can't bake if there's no eggs. Applesauce only works for cake and barely brownies and I have no other egg sub in this place.

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> Log.19/.//05

Yes, I am a Soundwave, Dreadwing, Knockout and Breakdown apologist. Especially a Soundwave apologist. No, I'm not gonna say sorry for it.

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> Log.19/.//06

This one song that begins with "What's up, bitch? Fuck you!" never fails to make me smile.

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> Log.19/.//07

You know, my family can celebrate the Christian holidays (despite most of us not being Christian, my sister more spiritualist and my brothers more agnostic) and a holiday on a day of a native american massacre, but when I was to celebrate Ostara/Spring equinox or a pagan holiday, they get frustrated?

Why? Because I need the half and half and some eggs to make a feast because typically you'd celebrate Ostara by partying and feasting???

My mom is Wiccan, you'd think she'd support me on this, too? Nope. All because of my siblings complaining and begging to use the stuff I put aside for the things I plan to make. And it's not like she's not getting food stamps for my existence as a dependant! Because she is! You'd think I'd be able to use some of the stuff bought with them, right? Nope, Because it's aaaallllways a problem when I do.

It's their fault for drinking their milk in the matter of 1½ days and eating a box of 60 eggs in half a week. They can't eat in moderation, sue me for needing to take 6 eggs and setting aside a carton of half and half when we brought two jugs of milk and a box of 60 eggs+12 eggs.

I was also told that they'd for sure get my rose petals by Ostara but as per usual, that was a lie. I shouldn't even be surprised, honestly. I was told I would get candy from this one place for at least 5 birthdays but they kept lying to me until I kept having to push them. I was told I'd get to go strawberry picking—directly involved in working at getting me out of the house more to help my anxiety. No. I was told that we'd go walking at a nature walk—for helping me get out of the house more to help my anxiety. No. We'll walk more—to help my anxiety by being outside more. No. I'd get $30 for cleaning the whole house which my nearly-18-year-old brothers absolutely destroyed and couldn't be helped to clean up after themselves... Nope. Take the cats to the vet? No. No. No. No.

Yet they can go out to eat more than once a month, get drinks everyday from the gas station, get my brothers their own personal snacks and then whatever they ask for after grocery shopping, get mainly my mom snacks and cereal every grocery day, do whatever they want to do, always shop multiple times a week, only get my mom herbs, incense, etc for her practice, etc? Hm, crazy. Almost like I'm used nothing more as a maid here and when I try to deviate (making a deal out of cleaning up a 15 and 17yr old's mess, not wanting to cook for all of them even when drained, wanting to celebrate something outside of the mainstream 4 holidays, wanting to get on the path of being independent, etc), it's a problem.

Don't get me started on my therapy. Because my therapist is a whole 'nother rant but I'm scared to up and change to a new one.

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> Log.19/.//08

Babes, my head kinda hurts.

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> Log.19/.//09

I made brigadeiro. It was eh.

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