> log.29

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I'm telling you this: Donald Na is a victim. He's a victim of society, y'all. He needs a therapist and some kind of loving guardian because that boy is just misled and traumatized. This is the exact reason why I am not prepared and probably will never be prepared to watch his downfall. Like, I don't want to continue reading Weak Hero because I know it'll happen and I am just not prepared. I need a small sequel or something where his bitchass gets help and a redemption. Like, I get he's a big antagonist and he's really shitty, but it's for a reason. Not an excuse though, obviously. Man's was abuse, watched abuse, starved, bullied and whatnot and he climbed to the top. However, he did so using corruption. He just needs to see that he's super smart, charismatic and somewhat of a business genius and he can start over without that big of  corruption.

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> Log.29/.//02
No guy makes me cry as much as my brothers do. 😎

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> Log.29/.//03
Some of you are so... Rolling your eyes shouldn't be "lOoKiNg OfF tO tHe SiDe Or AwAy FrOm ThE pErSoN" because people have ADHD, anxiety, autism, etc. and do that without negativity behind it. Even if they look like they're angry (ever heard of RS/RBF and flat face?). Rolling your eyes should mean literally rolling your eyes up and then to the side in exaggeration like the name suggests, because that's how you really know you're being disrespected. Stop being so uppity that you get offended at every little gesture outside of the norm that people do. —Hi, I have a problem of people accusing me of rolling my eyes when I'm just listening/talking to them and vibing. Really ruins my mood and makes me insecure. I think I may also be developing a reaction to the word "eye roll" because it has happened so many times. And you know, people have rolled their eyes at me—truly rolled their eyes, and I've just brushed it off because it's such an insignificant thing to get pissy about.

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> Log.29/.//04
"What is with people and dropping their gotdamn stories for months?" I complain. Meanwhile, I drop my stories ---the ones people do read and like--- for years on end.

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> Log.29/.//05
Take your meds, guys. I've been off mine for a week due to my insurance dropping since I'm 20 now and not having money to get my refill and I can feel the difference. I'm more of an emotional wreck right now.

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> Log.29/.//06
Whoever came up with not properly capitalizing better have the hottest dampest pillows. It doesn't look good or aesthetic, please. 

does this look good? come on, tell the truth. no. no it doesn't, don't lie to yourself. now imagine this but the whole story is formatted this way. utterly impossible.

And guys, paragraph breaks. Break your paragraphs when there's dialogue or someone else is talking. And don't put the action of Person A or the action of Person A speaking in the next paragraph where Person B is speaking. I know I'm not good at writing either, but it's basic literature stuff and will make your writing look so much better.

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> Log.29/.//07
The reason I hate horoscopes most of the time is because they can be so pleasant or fair or okay and then I have the shittiest, nastiest, sludgiest day.

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> Log.29/.//08
What is with me and wanting the shittiest fictional fathers to be a father figure to me? But, like, a good one.
Could it be because my own father is problematic? But I barely care about that man.
Anyways, Karlheinz would never have a good bone in his body to show true fatherly love and he should've never had children with his psychopathic ass.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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