> log.28

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Okay, first, I was lied to again. She said we could go berry picking today if I woke up early but nope. Again. I woke up at 11 and she was gone. And then she has the audacity to tell me that I'm going to make dinner. No asking if I wanted to cook them dinner that I can't even eat because I don't eat meat. Nope. No, just straight up saying "I'm going to send this recipe to you and you're going to make it soon." Brrroooooo. Its probably one of those hard to follow TikTok recipes, too.😭 I hate this place.

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> Log.28/.//02
I'm being forced to go to the pediatrician. I am 20, still going to the kid doctor. RIP me. Maybe it's because I'm still a dependant? Any ways, even my mom is declining changing my doctor. But I need this.

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> Log.28/.//03
My body is sooo sore. 😭 My legs are hurting because I did a kettlebell glute workout without properly stretching before or after, my arm hurts because I got a shot. Tomorrow, or well today, I need to get my blood drawn. Not a good time for me.

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> Log.28/.//04
I got my blood drawn. 4 vials. I'm not scared of needles, I've got two tats and take shots like a champ. I'm not scared of the sight of blood, it doesn't cause me to freak out. But damn, the moment the phlebotomist was done, I got those warning signs like I got when I was attacked by my mom's dog and the last time I got blood drawn. Lightheaded, nauseated, warm, sweating, like I needed to go to the bath room, my sight becoming washed out. I even began gagging like I was going to vomit (I did not). The phlebotomist had to fan me while I was regaining my bearings. Luckily, unlike the last time my blood was drawn (or rather they attempted to draw it), I did not faint. It's just like, bro, I wasn't scared so whyyyy? It was a few seconds after the needle left me, too. I feel so bad for the phlebotomist, though. I could tell she got nervous when that happened.

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> Log.28/.//05
It has come to my attention that I am perhaps not as healthy and bad bitch as I once thought. All these appointments have me thinking...damn, am I decaying?

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> Log.28/.//06
New Zealand giving me more reason to not fuck with it. 😍 I mean, cat killing? Come on. There's better ways of dealing with feral cat populations than going psychopathic on them. Ever heard of Trap Neuter Release? Oh, but murdering is always such an easier option. Lazy aholes. (Obviously not all kiwis. Just those who allow this to happen...anywhere in the world. Karma will have it's time to those people. :) )

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> Log.28/.//07
Got my results. Most of the things tested are fine...aside from my high cholesterol and unusually high red cells and white cells. I cried. I literally cried because I try to be healthy and make health conscious decisions but my family history has heart disease. I'm small, petite, so-so active. So why? I'll try to lower my intake of sweets and processed foods. But I'm afraid I might go malnourished because my family doesn't buy a lot of heart healthy foods or food I can eat so I mostly rely on my baked goods. But I'm also sure that it was because I was dehydrated and sick. I'm in a difficult situation.

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> Log.28/.//08
I was out for nearly two days because of a bad headache. It lasted for nearly 2 days! That paired with an upper respiratory infection...oml. And you know what, no one cared. My sister's sick, my brother's sick, I'm sick...but no one gave a dang about me, bro. My mom made my sister baked potatoes because she threw up. My brother made her food. My mom even showed some sort of care my brother was sick, but me? Not at all. Damn, it really be your own people. Oh, and I made it without any painkillers, so that's banging.

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> Log.28/.//09
Why do I even keep hope that we'll go fruit picking or for walks? Or anything they say we'll do that involves me, anyway. Omg wait, ew, I sound emo again. Please, I left that phase 5 or so years ago!

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> Log.28/.//10
The urge to call my oc inserts reader inserts or to hint at them being so on Ao3 because everyone else on there does it.

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> Log.28/.//11
The urge to write more for Candied Honey OMG GO READ CANDIED HONEY I WILL ALWAYS LOVE IT, ROSEMARY AND THYME, AND SPIRAL CHAOS. Anyways, I need to make up some stories that will satisfy my vague xenophilia and mechaphilia. omg Transformers fanfic? 👀

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> Log.28/.//12
*slaps picrew* this baby can fit so many hentai ads in it.
fr tho I don't want to let anyone see my screen when I play on it because I don't want them seeing those naughty naughty ads and thinking I'm watching/reading/playing something weird even tho I'm technically old enough to be into that shit.

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> Log.28/.//13
I've been suffering, bro. Remember the blood test and the results? I've decided to cut out as much cholesterol I can or at least cut down how many baked goods I make and eat in a month. Um... it's only been a few weeks but I am over it. Eggs have too much in them. Butter has a lot, and I mean hard butter that I typically need to use for things that set. Milk has a lot. Half and half...oh, hon, that has a fucking lot. Some store bought pastries I really wanted to eat had a lot. I'm crying here.

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> Log.28/.//14
It's one thing to think you don't look like your family but it's a whole 'nother thing for your mom to flat out admit you don't look like her. Like, wow, I truly don't look like her or my dad or my siblings but I was a premmie so you know for sure I came out of my momma.

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> Log.28/.//15
I'm literally hiding under my blanket so they don't see me cry and make fun of me for crying over my mom picking on the fact that I'm the only one who got the "basic" genes from my dad (and I still don't look like him tf) unlike the rest of my siblings who look more like her. They don't know how lucky they are. Not only do they have the pretty genes and aren't basic, but they get to look like our parents and be right at home.

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> Log.28/.//16
Wait, so the Dylan Mulvaney controversy was nothing but people being angy😡™ about a transgender person being in an ad? Nothing actually bad? Wow, talk about soft and weak. People need a life if that's what they were mad about.

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> Log.28/.//17
If I have to explain why you shouldn't feed your cat vegan/vegetarian and how having them barely survive on countless supplements due to you feeding them plant-based is cruel one more time. If you can't stomach a freaking carnivore eating a carnivorous diet, don't get an obligate carnivore. Coming from someone who doesn't eat meat but isn't stupid.

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> Log.28/.//18
My mom is getting kind of discriminatory ngl.

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> Log.28/.//19
I made doughnuts, babyyyyy! I ate too much while making them so my stomach hurts.

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> Log.28/.//20
Of course people are having trouble getting a job now days! For the good ones you need experience. Like, all of them require or strongly prefer experience. How is a person supposed to get the experience needed when all of them require it? And then the others require a valid driver's license. Like...bro. So have fun trying to find a good job when you can't drive and can't get the experience. But like...DRIVING?! You need a license for a fucking office job??? Like a Driver's License, not an ID?! Come on!

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