> log.14.//tr4n5f0m3rs./prt_4

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Bro, I can't stand Micronus. A prime my ass.

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> Log.14/.//02

Honestly, has Optimus kind of reverted a little from how he was in Prime? He was level-headed and kept his cool and in RID (which is in the Prime continuity or that's what I've heard countless people say along with the hints of Prime's storyline) he's a bit less level-headed and reserved.

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> Log.14/.//03

++++Heads up, everything can be seen as a spoiler from here on. Sorry if you get spoiled from later thoughts but I warned you.++++
Why was Bee just standing there for that long?! Like, the obvious solution would be to stop the dam first. The others are big mechanical beings, they can survive a fall. Although, fine, sure, they'll be kind of damaged which would help the skunks get away. You know, I take that back. Save them from falling and then stop the dam. BUT then again, the seconds he used for keeping the others from the opened window and gaping at the situation, he could've stopped the dam's countdown from finishing and putting the hundreds of humans livelihoods at risk.

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> Log.14/.//04

I really don't know why but I want to curb stomp Micronus. He's not even that bad just a bit irritating so???

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> Log.14/.//05

OH MY GOD WHAT WAS THAT? OH MY GOD WHAT WAS THAT?! - my reaction to the beginning of episode 14.

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> Log.14/.//06

lol Peck lights.

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> Log.14/.//07

Clampdown acts just like my semi-feral cat. I took her in 2 years ago AS A KITTEN and she acts like she was always on the streets and acting like everyone is a danger to her.

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> Log.14/.//08

Y'all Clampdown and Thunderhoof basically did that cliche trip and kiss thing. Enemies to lovers yaaasss.

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> Log.14/.//09

Why are they leaving clawed 'cons unsupervised even with cuffs on? Now you got Steeljaw escaping---that smooth charismatic menace.

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> Log.14/.//10

One of them should've stayed back to look over the rest fr. They didn't need four 'bots to take down Steeljaw.

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> Log.14/.//11

If Sideswipe were human, he'd be the type of boy who'd draw dicks everywhere.

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> Log.14/.//12

Fix-it's fear is honestly so sad but kind of relatable.

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> Log.14/.//13

All these 'cons who just want to get off of Earth... Same. Also: ew, Octopunch. I just don't like the underwater cybertronian designs, okay?!

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