> log.25

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Debating if I should start taking my zannies like prescribed (once a day) just so I'm able to deal with things 😍. Please, things are enough to make anyone turn to other means of coping. But nah, I'm stronger -scared of drugs- than that.

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> Log.25/.//02

Why is my mom's cat the warmest out of all our cats? Like a little personal heater. She makes me so sleepy---all of them do, but with her I doubt I need a blanket. She is also the most aggressive one so take that as you will. Warmest=Hot-Headed?

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> Log.25/.//03

At this point, I need shifting to be real. I don't believe it's truly real and it's just a discount lucid dreaming, but I need it to be real. I would be in the Transformers Prime aligned continuity real fucking quick.

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> Log.25/.//04

Just found out about 'Welcome Home' and only know the basic-basics. So far my favs are Julie, Poppy, and Sally. Uh, Frank and Eddie are also my favs because as a couple, they give me life. Like, the cranky book worm and the clumsy sweetie? Love it. Barnaby is okay and looks huggable. Wally...I don't trust that puppet. Howdy is cool ig. House is...what are you doing being alive for? Think about if the puppets were people. They'd have to go to the bathroom and how weird would it be to go to the bathroom in a living house? I wouldn't be able to cope.

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> Log.25/.//05

MCL event games on my chromebook are trying to set me up for failure big time. I can tell. But, be sure! I WILL get all the event illustrations before this ends. To hell with the outfits, I don't care. I don't even get all three anyways because I don't pay for points or coins, but I will get the illustrations even though I don't particularly fw any of the characters aside from Priya.

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> Log.25/.//06

You see, this is why I shouldn't go searching through Ao3. Now I feel the need to repent to everything for the things I just read. 😃

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> Log.25/.//07

My cat just sneezed into my fUCking eye.

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> Log.25/.//08

We're running a bit low on cat food so the cat's feeding schedule and the amount they usually get fed are thrown off so they're acting like FIENDS. They're fiends! They're little gremlins! Goblins! Ghouls! They're getting in my way, under my feet, all over me trying to get my attention to feed them in full which I cannot do right now---not until two more days. They're licking plastic. My cat scratches at everything. They're getting up on my nightstand and knocking things over. It's a mess. They're a mess. I'm a mess.

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> Log.25/.//09

If I keep getting Rayan eggs---he's my least likely to be picked LI in MCL. There's something about him that I want to kick even though I've only interacted with him during the events since I'm still on High School Life. It may be because I have a brain size of a pea but he seems so...pretentious! Like what?! He's ALMOST like what teen Nathaniel would be like if he grew up still under the pressure of his family!

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> Log.25/.//10

Okay but why did Starscream look EXTRA adorable in RID? This keeps popping up in my mind but he's even more bby gril in it. Like...what? How'd you take a design and make it even cuter?

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> Log.25/.//11

They said we had plans on Friday. They said we were going to go blueberry picking instead of strawberry picking this time. THEY LIED. Disappointed but not surprised. 😭 I want my fruit, dude.

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> Log.25/.//12


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> Log.25/.//13

Please stop abusing Benadryl, people. If I get an allergic reaction and can't openly get Benadryl because of you people, I will riot.

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> Log.25/.//14

Just started to listen to Bôa and yeah, their songs sound good but they're kind of mid. I thought they would be better because everyone I saw recommending them was fawning over their music. Big let down, but I added some songs to my secondary playlist. The lead vocalist sounds like the one from The Cranberries a tiny bit so I think that's nice, it's a unique voice I barely hear in music with a sizeable devoted fanbase.

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> Log.25/.//15

I hate it that so many fanfic writers have such...idk bland taste in fashion. Like, you would never catch me dead in sweatpants/leggings and a hoodie outside the house and outside of winter. You would never catch me complaining about some gorgeous heels or a cute skirt/dress. And there's nothing wrong with looking sexy if the character/MC/reader is an adult. I am begging, give me fanfic recs where the main is actually tasty.

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> Log.25/.//16

I hate my period so much because not only is it messy but my cramps span from below my knees to my waist. So for 7 fucking days an entire fucking portion of my body is cramping and aching. Unbelievable. Not even a portion! It's most of my body!

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