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It was an early morning. But today was Franny's lucky day. She was allowed to sleep in. The Shelby brothers were going to the fair. Or at least that's what Thomas told John and Arthur. He did however talk with Franny about the real appointment.

Thomas was taking his brothers to Johnny Doggs. A good friend of Thomas. He was handed a pretty good racing horse which he really wanted. Thomas was trying to expand their business with the horse tracks by having their own horses. And because Tommy was pretty sure he wasn't getting any money from Polly he asked the second in charge of the fault. Franny had crossed her arms and looked at him sheepishly. 'You know I actually quite like this job I have. Would be a shame if I lost it because Polly fucking bewitched me.'

Thomas had assured her it wasn't like that and she instead of getting the money herself had given Thomas the code of the vault. It changed daily thankfully .But when Franny heard the noise on the streets she was wide awake. It was horses their hoofs were clattering on the streets. 'Franny get dressed.' Her father stormed into her room.

'I thought you were at work but its about to get fucking insane with coppers.' Her dad was still holding his cup of coffee .'I have a little authority but not much.' he told her before walking out to let her get changed .'For fucks sake' Franny cursed beneath her breath. She jumped out of bed and pulled on the dress that was on the chair of her bedroom she dressed herself quickly. When her father yelled from downstairs. 'Francis!' 'Coming father.' She said while stumbling from the stairs.

Ada was standing in the opening of the backdoor. She was standing there with Freddie Thorne. Both Franny and her father were no commie fans, but it looked like they were in a bad position. Ada was wearing just her coat and her pajama's beneath it, still trying to pull her socks up. 'Upstairs Ada.' Franny pushed her upstairs.

'Explain.' Franny's father said to Freddie. 'I can't stay the coppers are rounding up the communists.' he explained while putting on his coat. 'Freddie were are you gonna go.' Ada said standing up the stairs. 'Me? I have to leave town for a bit.' he said before blowing her a kiss and thanking Franny and her father .'Ada come on, get a dress from my room.' Franny shooed her upstairs. 'Hopefully were save then.' Franny said to her father while she started making tea.

'As long as your not in the horse shit her brothers are in, you're fine.' Her father said while sitting down grabbing his cup of coffee. Later the afternoon Thomas, John and Arthur came back to Watery Lane. To see it in a complete mess. 'What in the bloody hell happened here.' Arthur shouted. 'Get Franny.' Thomas said to John before stopping the car. He jumped out towards the Corbynn household. Thomas and Arthur kept on to go to the Shelby household. But everyone was already there. Even Franny.

She was lighting herself a cigarette and lighting Polly's too. After a few minutes John came back holding a bucket full of beer. he started handing everyone a mug. When he was done he snatched Franny cigarette. 'I was going to fetch ya, but your dad told me you were already here looking at the damage.' he said with a smirk. 'Can't leave us alone can ya?'

Franny looked at him. and just raised her eyebrow, before she could even speak up Arthur started talking. 'I never said nothing to that copper about smashing up bloody houses.' 'All right.' Thomas said when he walked in stealing the cigarette John had stolen from Franny. 'The guns, the Chain, The marquis.' Franny summed up grabbing back her own cigarette from Thomas.

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