S E A S O N 2 | C H A P T E R 9

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Franny woke up slowly. She felt John stir and put an arm around her waist to pull her closer. And she didn't mind it one bit.The kids were at the sitter and she had a tat more time with John before they needed to get dressed. so she turned around and buried her nose in his chest. John put his chin on her head and pulled her even closer. It didn't happen often that the two of them could stay in bed a little longer.Kids were everywhere and they were definitely not sleeping in. But after about 30 minutes of snuggling Thomas was outside the door.

They were having interviews at the Garrison.John jumped out of bed and put on his clothes. Franny sighed and turned over laying on her back in the bed. 'Come on Fran, you promised to do the bar this morning' he said putting his watch on his vest.'Yes yes. I'll need to wait for Anna to come over. I'll be there as soon as I can.' Franny crawled over to the side of the bed.John catches her speed as he bowed over and kissed her. 'JOHN' It sounded from outside. Henry started crying and Franny walked over to the window.

'Good morning to you to Tommy.' Franny said sticking her tongue out to him.Thomas raised an eyebrow at her'Good morning Fran.' Thomas said lifting his hand with the cigarette in it towards her. 'He's already downstairs.' Franny said before turning around to get the children.By the time Franny walked into the Garrison. There was a whole line of men, or to be more precise. Boys. outside the door. Franny walked past them and went inside.

'That's quite the line up you got going there.' She said hanging up her coat. 'Is it?' John said walking over to his wife and kissing the top of her head. 'Morning Fran.' Arthur said. He had quite the hangover so it seemed. 'Morning Arthur, would you like a cup of tea before you start?' She said with a small smirk.He didn't even answer but walked with her to the bar. She gave him a cup of tea which he threw back like it was Whiskey and went to sit with the others in the small room in the front of the Garrison.It was the same idea as in the old Garrison, but nicer decorated.Thomas had insisted that they needed the room back.

Franny opened the doors and the first dozen boys walked in. Finn stood at the door and waited for Thomas to give the signal to let the first one in.Even though the Garrison was a pub. Franny had made the smart decision to also serve tea or coffee this morning. It was quite the busy morning. And when Arthur's regular bartenders came in, Franny decided to release the brother of their interview burden. There were only a few left so she waited in the back room doing a bit of the books for Arthur. After a while the four brothers came in the back and Arthur let out a big sigh. Thomas took his coat and waited outside by the car. John came to get Franny.

'So you're finally done?' She asked him with a small smirk on her lips. 'Oh stop it, I can't hear another sir or mister.' he sighed and threw the bit of whiskey in his cup back.'Come on we're going to Polly's for a cup of tea.' John said handing her her coat.They all stepped out of the car at Polly's. She didn't want to move in her house. So they went to her old house.

John and after were throwing a gun show of a boy they had over for an interview. They stumbled over the floor in Polly's house. When they saw her sitting with a man at the table. Franny walked in after seeing both Arthur and John standing still trying to keep their laughter with them.The man turned around and she saw it was the boy Thomas and her had been seeing. This was Polly's son. Franny had a smile on her face when she saw Polly.She turned to Thomas who came inside the last. 'All right then Polly.Who's this?' Arthur asked her trying to keep his laugh in.John stood behind him biting on his lip.Franny made a hand sign to him to stop.

'Gentlemen? ' Thomas started.'This is your cousin.Polly's son, Michael.' Both of the brothers faces turned. John searched for eye contact with Franny.Who had a smug I told you so on her face.Michael stepped forward and stood his hand out to Arthur. Introducing himself'I'm Arthur. you already met me.I used to throw you out of the window so John could catch ya.' Arthur said pointing at John.'Yea. I used to put you in a shoe box and kick you down waterly lane.' John said scratching the back of his head.

'Well I bet your glad to be back.' Thomas said while clearing his throat.Michael let out a bit of a chuckle.'I don't remember any of it.All I remember is the day they took me away.' Michael said.Polly's smile changed as she walked over to Michael to put his tie straight and just take him up in her presence again.'Well you're here now, son.Welcome to the Shelby family.' Thomas said while patting him on his back.

'Later on we'll show you the ropes.' Arthur said putting his hands in his pocket.'Yeah, we'll show you what's what.' John added.Both Polly and Franny's faces turned to Thomas.Who understood the message directly.'Let's leave him be for now eh?' Thomas said'Come on.' he said as he passed Michael and walked towards the back.'Nice suit.' Franny said with a smile putting a hand on his shoulder.Before walking to John who had stook his hand out for her to join him.She waved to Polly with a bright smile before leaving them alone again.

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