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It was a lovely spring day.Thomas had told Franny to come with him. They were going to the countryside. And she wasn't complaining.She loved the countryside.

Always that dark glooming city. Thomas drove into a small town and turned off the car.'You haven't told me what we're doing here.' Franny said getting her purse from the ground.'Michael.' Thomas said and then stepped out of the car.He helped Franny as the true gentleman he was and they walked up to the house.There were two boys that had been playing soccer or catch something like that.Franny smiled at them. She couldn't wait for Henry and Oliver to get so big.

They were running towards a woman who let them in and told them to wash their hands.'Mrs. Johnson?' Thomas asked the woman.Franny looked up at Thomas. Was one of those boys Michael? she thought to herself. But she kept her face straight with a smile. 'Yes. Who are you?' Mrs. Johnson asked'We're from Birmingham Council. Bordesley Parish.' Thomas said now the two of them standing at the gate of the Johnson residence.'No one wrote to me.What do you want?' She answered.

'I would like to talk about your son, about Henry.' Thomas told Mrs. Johnson.'Can we come in?' Thomas asked.'I'd rather you didn't He doesn't like to talk about this.' 'I see.' Franny said with a small compassionate smile.Looking up at the doorway where a tall dark haired boy stood waiting for her.'So what does Henry know about his real identity, Mrs. Johnson?' Thomas then sharply asked.'I only deal with Mr. Ross from the agencyAnd he only ever writes.So why are you here in person' she replied to Thomas.

'I'm Eleonora Ross, his wife.' Franny said with the same soft smile.'He's quite sick and asked me to fill in because of his eighteenth birthday coming up.And I can't drive a car so well here we are.' Franny said politely.'This isn't right.You are not from the Council. Something isn't right.' Mrs. Johnson spoke up. 'What does he know, Mrs. Johnson?' Thomas asked again.'He knows his mother couldn't cope.She drank to much, she used opium, she used to beat him.' Mrs. Johnson replied looking coldly towards Thomas.'But that isn't the truth now is it?' He answered.'Look, I think you should come back when my husband is here.' she told Thomas looking towards the road.

'Does he know his real name?' Thomas asked.'His real name is Johnson.Henry Johnson.Now, I would like you to go away and come back when my husband is here.' She told Thomas.Franny looked up and saw Henry approaching from the door. She bit her lip trying to not look suspicious for his mother.'Truth is he was taken from his mother without her permission.' Thomas started explaining.Mrs. Johnson turned around and saw Henry approaching and tried to send him back into the house. But Henry wanted to see what was going on.'Your real name's Michael Gray.' Thomas said.'No.' Mrs. Johnson tried to stop Thomas.'Your real mother wants to see you.' Franny chipped in and took a card out of her purseThomas took the card and wanted to give it to Henry.'Her address is on the back of this card.She just wants to talk.' Thomas said.

While Mrs. Johnson started to beat on Thomas his arm. 'Go away!' She started talking more loudly.'She just wants to talk.' Thomas said one more time before he walked off. Franny looked up at Michael and smiled softly.'You look just like my son Henry.' she said with a soft smile before walking after Thomas.The whole car ride back they wasn't much talking. You could see Thomas was overthinking so much things.'He does look like you..' Franny said lighting a cigarette.'Like you Shelby's' She said with a smirk.

Thomas didn't say anything but did steal her cigarette.Getting a scoff from Franny before she lit herself a new one.They were back in Birmingham and Thomas opened the door letting Franny in first. She saw John looking over the big book. concentrated. Someone spoke to Thomas immediately. So Franny saw the time to sneak up to John.When she saw her shot she stood behind him and sneaked her arms around his waist. 'Guess.' Franny said in a lower voice. 'Well that is to low for any of my four children. And the only person who I let come this close is my wife.' John said looking up from the book.'So either your the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Or you have just 2 seconds to run away.' John said

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