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Franny knew Thomas had gone talking to the Lees after what happened. But he hadn't told anyone about it. Like he has been doing more the last few months. Ada wanted to see Franny she had heard everything from Polly and wanted to see how she was doing. When they met up Freddie wasn't there it was just Ada. And she was looking miserable.

'Ada, are you okay?' Franny asked making a fast pace towards her. 'Just tired and this baby is really pushing my luck the last few weeks.' Franny smiled and helped her sit down. After they had talked about everything that had happened. Ada was even madder than before at Thomas.

'That stupid shit with Kimber.' Ada cursed while brushing Franny's arm. 'If I were still there it would not even have happened in the first place.' Ada spit. 

'And now they left you alone after all that shite with the Lees.' Ada sighed.' You're going to get yourself killed Fran, you need to get out of it while you still can.' Ada said while standing up and looking for an envelope. 'Ada you know I won't just quit.' Franny said looking up at her. 'Fran, the fact that you love John, is not a reason to get yourself killed.' Ada said aloud. To which she fastly shut herself up. They promised to never talk about it so it would be just their secret. It quickly went to why Ada had actually asked for Franny's visit.

And a few hours later she walked into the Garrison. Finding thankfully Thomas the one she was looking for. 'Morning Tommy.' She said. He was smoking a cigarette and drinking a glass of whiskey. He didn't respond to her. Franny closed the small door to the bar. And sat down next to him. Thomas had gotten the envelope. In it was just an address.

'Do you have anything to with this?' He asked her. Franny sat down next to him and took a cigarette out of his pack and lit it. 'I asked an acquaintance for an address.' Franny started. 'She said she would only give it to me anonymously. She's afraid of the consequences. 'Whose address is it?' Thomas asked questions marks in his voice. Franny took the paper with the address on it.

'Tommy I'd like to suggest a strategy.' She said to him. 'I'm listening.' he said to her while throwing back his glass. 

It was the next day and Franny knew what she was needed to do. Ada had told her it was Freddie's deceased mother's birthday and he would go to her grave to bring flowers. She needed to confront him.

So very early Franny went to the graves a big dark green coat on and because of the cold a scarf around her head. And she was right. Around 8 am Freddie walked over towards his mother's grave. He laid the flowers on the grave, and took off his hat. 'It's her birthday today. I know you never miss it.' Franny said as she sat up. Freddie's face turned towards her. He wasn't looking to shabby to see her. 'Then I'm lucky you're not a copper.' He said looking at her. 'What do you want.'

'I came to warn you.' Franny said as she stood up dusting off her knees. 'They lifted Stanley Chapman.' Freddie stood there his facial expression didn't change. 'How do you know? The police don't spill that kind of information.' Freddie asked her.

'I know, it was me and Tommy who tipped them off.' Franny said as she lighted a cigarette. Freddie's face turned a little. 'Tommy did a deal, in return for safe passage for you and Ada, He's given him Stanley and the money.' Franny said puling off her gloves and exhaling the smoke through her nose.

'Money? What Money?' Freddie said to her. Franny didn't say anything and looked at him. 'Who told you about the money?' Freddie asked. 'Who do you think?' Franny said now turning to him. He was looking at her for a few seconds before Franny spoke up.

'Yea, it was Ada's idea. That's how desperate she is to get out of that rat hole you're in.' Franny said now walking towards him. Freddie took a deep breath and sank to his knees like he was thanking his mother's grave. 'She didn't mind if you knew, she just didn't want to be here when you found out.' Franny said putting out her cigarette against a tombstone.

'Sometimes the women have to take over. Like in the war.' Franny said she stood close to Freddie. 'Who the hell do you think you Shelby's are. Hell you're not even a real Shelby, just looking out for their kids and baby sibling like your their slave. Who's the communist now. 

'You swear like that over your mothers grave?' Franny asked him a small smirk on her face. 'They play their tune and they expect the whole world to dance to it. And you're their little bad new teller, doing their dirty work. Like a little...' Freddie was like a preacher preaching away.

'You don't have time for this Freddie.' Franny interrupted him. Then Freddie walked over to her. 'You did a deal? for me?' Freddie said looking at her. 'Don't flatter yourself. I did it for Ada.' Franny interrupted him once again. 'And you think this copper will keep his word.' Freddie said to her. 'If he does your safe, if he doesn't Chapman will give you up. You'll still have to leave town. Same result.' Franny said. 'So neat.' Freddie said trying to keep the better hand. 'So leave.' Franny said looking him dead in the eye.

'Except there's one thing that you got wrong. Stanley won't be able to give up my address. because he doesn't know it. That's how it works None of us know each other's addresses. So you wasted your fucking time.' Freddie explained pointing his hat towards her. 'And they keep beating him and beating him for information he doesn't have. So all you've done is sign the death warrant of a good man.' Freddie added as cherry on top. 'So you won't leave?' Franny asked nicely like nothing that Freddie had spat out had bothered her.

'No! I won't fucking leave! If you want me out of Birmingham, it'll have to be in a wooden box.' Freddie said before he suddenly took Franny her chin in his hands. And she fast as a whip, pulled her gun and pointed it at him. 'You lay a hand on Ada, and I'll put you in a wooden box meself.' She looked at him. Freddie had turned away from her and walked off.

Later that afternoon she was busy in the betting shop. She had been cleaning like crazy with Polly. Billy Kimber was going to take a look at the shop to hopefully give them their betting permit. 'There's a car out front.' John said. 

Pulling a cigar from his lips. Franny rolled her eyes. 'Best if I leave then.' She said. 'Don't kill him play nice, we can show him later.' She said patting John's cheek before she went upstairs. Thomas and her had closed a deal, that she would not be seen when Kimber would be here. Maybe he would see her and put 1 and 1 together. And not give them their betting permit.

Franny went to Ada's room and sat down on her bed. But before she could actually get bored John ran up the stairs. 'Fran are you in here?' He said knocking on the door but also barging in directly. Franny stood up from the bed. 'What's up something wrong?' She asked him. But John his face told her everything she needed to know. 'Really??' She asked him suddenly also very excited. He just nodded and Franny jumped into his arms. John spun her around.

'Finally!' she said smirking. 'We need to get down before Tommy does the announcing to the others.' Franny said as she had John's hand in hers and wanted to pull him to the door. But he didn't move. Making her pull back to him like a rubber band. He catched her and in a swift move and he kissed her. 

Maybe it was because he was so excited. Maybe it was all the work they had put into this. Maybe it was because they both were so in love with each other and they finally had a moment completely alone. Maybe it was because they both had the gut feeling something was going to be terribly wrong soon. It took a few seconds before they broke apart and both looked to the ground. 

'Sorry, heat of the moment' John said coughing awkwardly. Franny softly smiled. 'Let's get downstairs.' And they both went downstairs still excited about everything that was now put into works.

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