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Its been a few days. Franny had been in cloud nine knowing she would be able to go to the races. But it had taken a rather dark turn fast.She knew Thomas wanted to take over the races. And beat Billy Kimber to it.

All the same, she heard that Freddie and Ada had been married. They did it small because of the search warrant for Freddie's arrest.But not even she had been invited.She was Ada's best friend and it stung a little. Franny had promised to be speaking with Thomas that evening.So she went to the small pub where they poured to a woman with a few friends.The Marquis was a place under the guardianship of the Peaky Blinders.

The time was getting late and the men in the pub were getting more handsy. Franny knew how to handle a drunk. But usually, they let her alone because she was being shadowed by John, Arthur, or Thomas.So when she went to bring their glasses back to the bar for a refill, a man came standing behind her.'I see no ring.' The man said leaning in closely by her neck.She saw two other men gather around the table with her friends. There were a few things she had picked up from the Shelby boys.

The first thing was to stay incredibly calm and not show any emotion.Because if she showed fear or a shocked presence it would trigger them even more. The second was to speak calm and really politely back.And the third thing was to always have something to defend yourself. Franny had ignored his previous comment to hopefully just shake him off. And when she had gotten the glasses of beer and turned around the man was still there.'I asked you something girl.' he said again wanting to take a glass of beer. But Franny took the glasses closer to herself and put them back on the counter.

'I'm sorry sir, but i'm not interested.' she said. 'You don't have to be interested you need to get home sometime soon yeh?It's late already.' he said with a nasty grin.'I'm actually waiting for someone to give me the information I need so I'm not going home just yet.' Franny said. 'Well I can wait girl.' the man said with a smirk and he grabbed one of the cups off the counter. When the door opened.

'Leave the girls alone.' A Thick and low voice spoke. It was Thomas.The man froze and looked down to her.'There's my information.' Franny said sweetly and she took the cup back and the others and walked over to the table. 'Fran didn't I tell you to bring a gun when your out alone?' John said.He had come in after Thomas and walked up to her friends.

'Good evening ladies, I'll be the one escorting you home tonight.' John said while putting his head off. 'I have your gun.' Franny said as she raised her skirt revealing a gun in her sock.She turned around to the man who had just talked to her.His face had turned as white as a sheet.Franny just winked at him as she walked over to Thomas and gave him a beer.She gave the other to John who threw it back directly nudging her shoulder before escorting Franny's friends out of the building.

'So tell me what was the urgent matter.' Thomas said picking out a cigarette out of his box'Ada and Freddie Thorne were married today.' She said quietly.'Freddie defied your orders, they haven't left the city.' Franny said while getting a cigarette out of Thomas his box. Thomas looked down as he lit his cigarette and passed her the matches. 'Me and Polly will deal with it.' Franny said lighting her own. And taking it between her fingers. Thomas had his eyes focused on something on the floor.You could see he was deeply in thought.

'Tommy.. We'll deal with it.' she said again. 'Where are they?' Thomas just asked.'Freddie's comrades have safe houses.Why do you want to know?' Franny asked.'I want to send them flowers Fran.Why do you think?' Thomas said looking up at her.'Would it be so bad if they stayed?' Franny tried to bring the subject around to Thomas not killing Freddie.To which Thomas waited a few seconds to respond but he hung over the table more to get to her closer.'I promised I'd run Freddie out of town.' Thomas said looking in her eyes.

'Promised who?' Franny asked leaning in. Thomas stood up and put his coat back on. He waited for Franny to join him she put her hat on and her coat and walked after him. When they were outside and almost alone on the street he started talking again.'I told the coppers Freddie wouldn't come back.' Thomas admitted.'It was part of the deal.'Franny stopped walking.'What bloody deal?' She asked getting frustrated with Thomas.'Are the others on board with this? Did you take a meeting? Because I haven't heard anything from the others.' Franny said getting a little worked up.Thomas pulled her at her arm to walk with him again.'If you let me and Pol deal with Ada and Freddie, it'll end in peace.' Franny said looking him straight in the eye.'You get Freddie out of town, Fran. or else I'll deal with him myself.' Thomas said as they stood in front of her house.'Wear something red for the races tomorrow.' Thomas said before he left her at the door walking home.

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