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They all jumped in their cars. Franny joined Arthur, Esme, and John in Arthur's new car, who he had just gotten from Esme her father. When they arrived they helped Esme get out of the car.

And both Franny and Esme went inside to help Polly with Ada and her labor. When Franny came back overheard them talking about Arthur's new car. 'Your sister's giving birth in there and your talking about cars.' Franny scoffed looking at them. 'Not much us men can do now Fran.' Thomas answered except go get drunk.' Arthur smirked. 'Right, come on.' John said and they all wanted to walk away.

'There's one man that should be here.' Franny said.' You're right Fran. Freddie should be here.' Thomas answered. 'Is that a heartbeat I hear in Thomas Shelby his chest?' Franny asked him 'The truce lasts till sunrise. On my oath. Tell Freddie it's safe.' Thomas told her. To which Franny lit up and jumped into the house.' ADA!' She exclaimed happily.

The boys were off to the Garrison. A few hours had passed and It was finally time for Ada to push the baby out. Franny hadn't done this before but Polly and Esme had. So while Franny was trying to cool Ada's head with a wet cloth. The others were encouraging her to push. After a while of pushing and nothing happened . Ada was breaking out in a sweat and Esme was feeling her stomach.

'I think it might be the wrong way round.' she said to Polly. 'I attended three sisters.' She added. Polly tried to feel for the baby's head and her mouth opened 'Yeah, I think you're right.' Polly said while feeling. 'We should lean her forward!' Polly said and Esme and Franny carefully helped Ada sit on all fours.

'Come one Ada, It's not long to go now darling.' Polly ensured her. 'Push Ada.' Franny said trying to help her bestfriend and stroking on her back. It was soaking wet from the sweat. But Franny just wanted Ada and the baby to be healthy. If she was looking at this she was happy John already had four kids because she wasn't sure she wanted this. It wasn't to much time after that, that Ada had done it. There he was. A healthy baby boy.

Polly directly took him and to make sure he was crying and breathing right. After all was well and Franny and Esme had cleaned Ada up. They gave her her little boy and Polly was going to make some tea for them all. When there was banging on the door. 'Yeah yeah.' Franny said walking to the door. It was Freddie. 'come in, where have you been.' she said as she let the man in. He came through the door and saw Ada sitting there with the little one.

Freddie took his head off and was stunned by what he saw. 'It's a boy Freddie.' Ada said holding him. Franny pushed Freddie a little forward so he was standing over the both of them admiring what his wife had just done. 'It's a beautiful baby boy.' Freddie said not taking his eyes of the baby. Ada sat up a bit and slowly gave over the baby to his dad. 'There you go.' Freddie said as the baby started stirring a little. 'Welcome to the world son.' He said proudly looking at his little head.

Ada was looking lovingly to both her husband and the little baby she had just birthed. Franny couldn't help but tears started welling up in her eyes too. Esme put a hand on her shoulder smiling herself.

After a few minutes there was more banging on the door. 'OPEN UP POLICE!' it sounded. To which they all jerked their heads to Freddie. Franny ran to the door. The police were already trying to knock the door down. And when they did Franny stood there. 'YOU CAN'T COME IN HERE. THERE'S JUST A BABY BEEN BORN!' She shouted to the police officers but she got shoved aside with more ease than she could have imagined. There was fighting and Freddie had just given Ada the baby.

Esme stood there not even being able to know what was going on here. She didn't know that Freddie was a communist. Franny was shouting at the police officers that they couldn't do this. Ada was shouting Freddie's name and Freddie was doing the same. It was a horrible sight. He got pushed up against a door and cuffed before he was taken away by police officers who didn't give a damn that he had just become a father. They didn't even give him ten minutes with his son. And when they left it was a mess.

just fifteen minutes ago it was the most beautiful day of their lives and now this had happened. Everyone was in tears. Esme was just frozen, trying to help Ada. Polly was furious, but stayed calm for Ada. And Franny was gone. She had not even taken her coat. Franny was walking over the streets with the most fury she had ever felt in her life.

She walked up to the door of the Garrison where Thomas was sitting at the bar. John and Arthur were so drunk that they were singing and laughing. Grace and Thomas were talking. 'Do you want me to open that champagne now?' She asked him with a smile. When the door got slammed open. They all turned around to see Franny standing there.

'It's a boy.' She said. To which Thomas his smile grew even bigger. But that suddenly changed when she started charging at Thomas. John and Arthur came out of the front room to see what the fuzz was all about. And Thomas catched her before Franny could start to throw punches and slap him across his face. 'Fran.. Franny? Whoa.. whoa! Hey!' he said as he saw tears streaming down Franny's face.

And John and Arthur pulled her off Thomas. When she was hold still and she stopped struggling she spit out. 'But the police came and took his father away.' Thomas stood there. he looked stunned and the last bit of happy in his face disappeared. 'Don't look at me like that!' Franny threw at his head. He just shook his head. 'Liar!' She roared before she actually spat at his feet turning around. 'I'll sleep with Ada tonight.' She said to John and she turned on her feet and stomped out of the bar. Leaving all three Shelby brothers stunned.

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