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It was the next morning.And when Franny had woken up she took care of John's kids.Katie was already up playing in her room. She was John's oldest.Then came his other daughter Dorothy.He also had two smaller boys.Oliver and Henry. She woke them up and clothed them.

Went downstairs with them and made them breakfast.They were happy that their Auntie Fran was there.Because now they were eating eggs instead of bread with a bit of marmalade.Franny sat down to feed Henry his pieces of egg instead of him grabbing them and throwing them around. When John came downstairs. Dottie ran straight into his arms and he lifted her up pouring himself a cup of tea and sitting down with her.'Thank you Fran.' He said while squeezing Oliver's cheek who was eating his egg carefully.'I have a family meeting in the Garrison this afternoon.' He said while playing with Dottie's hair.'Shall I pick up the kids after school then?' Franny suggested taking the empty plate away from Henry and giving him a cup of tea with milk.

'Nah, that's okay. Anna from next door picks them up with hers they can play together till dinner.'Look at you being a responsible dad.' Franny said smirking while standing up to give John a piece of bread with an egg. And then starting to do the dishes with Katie. Who always wanted to help Auntie Franny.'Then I'll just go and help scutboat with the bet's today.' Franny said as she helped Katie putting the dishes away.

John just nodded while digging in his own breakfast.Franny put the kids in their coats and took them towards school.Later that afternoon the race was almost starting so scudboat was putting in last bets. They got everyone out of the shop.And Franny was closing up. Thomas had just come in and met with Polly.Who told Thomas John wanted a meeting in the Garrison.Thomas sighed and looked around.

'Scudboat John will be here in ten minutes.' Polly said.'But my daughter has a school play..' Scudboat said not really wanting to disagree with Polly nor Thomas but he told his wife he'd be there.'I'm here aren't I?' Franny said closing up a few books and putting them away in a locked Pantry.'Five then.' Thomas said and the three of them walked out of the shop.Franny rolled her eyes and locked the door behind them when they left. She started cleaning the mess and was sweeping the floors

When she heard sudden movement.'Finn?' Franny asked.But there was no answer.Franny shrugged and then continued sweeping.But in a matter of seconds there were at least ten Lee boys running through the door holding their loaded guns at her.Franny grabbed her gun out of her corset but she was to late.Two man grabbed her from behind and she had nowhere to go.'This is for Cheltenham.' One of the men said to her.Holding a gun up her face.'We're just taking back what's ours. We don't want to hurt a pretty girl like you.' he said while wanting to carres her cheek.But franny was looking devilish and she held her head up when he tried to reach her.'Don't touch me you imbicile.' she spat at him.His facial expression changed and he then stomped her with the gun he was holding making Franny fall on the floor.

In the Garrison.

Everyone had gathered around and Thomas asked John what was troubling him.'What's troubling me?' John said almost snickering.'Why don't you tell what's happened to Fran Tommy.' John said while lighting a cigarette.Thomas fell silent.

'She told me all about your Kimber charade.' John said while standing up.'You know that I love her. Why would you ever do that to her.' John started again he was getting mad now.'What did Fran tell you John?' Arthur interrupted.'Do you guys know why Fran was with Tommy to the races?' John said leaning against the wall.'To keep Kimber occupied.' Arthur answered.'So that Tommy could seal the deal with his advisor.' Polly added.'True. But did he also tell you, he let Fran go to Kimber's house to let him have his way wit her.' He said throwing his cigarette away.Thomas sighed and closed his eyes.Polly stood up.

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