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The girls were sitting in the living room with a cup of tea. When Thomas barged in again. 'Ada, Fran, Pol. You need to get to the Bull Ring where there are lots of people.' Thomas said 'What's going on?' Franny asked.' We've been fucking betrayed.' Thomas said. 'Someone let slip, Kimber's men are on their way here.' Thomas said while caressing his hand over his face.

Thomas was usually very calm and collected but this was not what he had hoped. 'Yea, but you can handle them, Tommy?' Polly asked. 

'It's just us.' He answered. 'All the Lees are on their way to Worcester we're outnumbered.' 'FUCK!' He smacked his hands on the table. 'Who else knew today was the day you were moving on Kimber?' Franny then asked. 'You said you kept it secret. Who else did you tell'

Suddenly Thomas fell quiet. 'There's only one thing that could blind a man as smart as you Tommy. Love.' Polly said. 'Grace.' Franny said. 'I'll deal with Grace.' Franny said while standing up. 'If you set eyes on her again, you might kill her.' Franny explained. She gave Thomas a hug which he did not give back.

'Focus Tommy. I'm not going to let you get John killed.' She said as she lifted his chin. 'I'll deal with her.' Thomas left the house and Franny put on her coat. 'Ada wear black. We're going to stop this nonsense.' Franny said as she smacked the door shut. The Garrison.

Grace was about to leave and put her purse on her shoulder when Franny stepped in through the back. 'Going for good?' Franny asked Grace. 'I heard there's trouble.' Grace answered. 'Instinct is a funny thing.' Franny told her. 'See normally I can tell about a person. But with you... ' 

 'Look the fighting is about to begin. We need to get out of here.' Grace said.

'We know who you are.' Franny then said sliding a butterfly knife out of her hair. 'Tommy knows as well. Turns out that copper as good as told him this morning. But I wanted to hear it from your lips.' Franny said holding the knife in her hand. Grace opened her purse. and held a gun up in Franny's face.

'I'm an agent of the crown. I have the power to arrest and right to use force. So please step out of my way.' Grace said still pointing it at Franny. 'Like I say, Instinct is a funny thing.' Franny started as she walked over to the bar. Grace followed her with her gun. 'You fell for Tommy for real, didn't you?' she filled a cup with whiskey. 'This gun is loaded.' Grace told her. 'I'm not afraid of you.' Franny said shaking her head and taking a sip.

'I feel sorry for you.' she told Grace. 'Slip of a thing. Thought you'd come in here and stitch us all up. Well we have had some coppers narks in here before but you? You're the queen of them all.' Franny said finishing her glass and picking up her pin again. 'So who are you?' Franny asked her looking at the gun. 'A little rich girl, I'd guess? Unionist, an Ulster volunteer? you thought fenians, communists ,low people, they're all the same. Scum.' Franny explained looking her in her eyes.

'then you met Tommy.' Grace walked to the bar and put her gun on the bar. 'I'd fight you with my fists and show you how a rich girl fights. I'm from a tough family too' Grace told her. Franny who was still holding the pin stepped closer to her. And then put the pin back in her hair.

'Nah.' she said and then turned away from her. 'Pour the both of us a drink.' Franny said sitting down getting her cigarettes case out. Grace actually did what she said and took a bottle and two glasses from the bar. Franny lit a cigarette. And offered her one. 'So am I right?' Franny asked. 'Did you fall for Tommy?'

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