S E A S O N 2 | C H A P T E R 10

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Franny was busy working on paperwork in the Garrison. Thomas just went out for business When she heard him enter the office again. 'That was quick business.' Franny said looking up from the book. 'Haha.' Thomas answered sarcastically. 'Who are you calling?' Thomas asked. After him came Michael. 'Hi.' Franny said with a smile, waving at him before putting her head back in the book. 'My mother. Or well..' Michael said putting off his head. 'I know what you mean.' Thomas answered.

'What are you gonna tell her?' 'I'm going to tell her where I am.' Michael answered. 'And now you're going to tell her you're going home.' Thomas said. Michael let out a sigh and sat back on the chair in the office. 'Polly said I could stay for a few days.' he answered. 'You want to stay?' Thomas asked. 'I only just arrived.' He answered while shrugging his shoulders. Thomas was silent for a second before walking to the cabinet and pulling off his hat.

'What age are you Michael?' He asked him. 'Seventeen.' Michael quickly answered. 'Seventeen. Which means it's not up to you, right?' Thomas asked. Looking both at Franny and to Michael. 'I'm eighteen in a few weeks. I make up my own mind.' Michael answered. Thomas took out his tin of cigarettes and threw Franny one. and then lit one himself.' You smoke?' Thomas asked. 'No.' 'Drink?' Franny asked. Michael just shook his head.

Thomas sat against the cabinet and took a deep breath. 'You're going to call your mother. And you tell her you're getting the next train home. And when you get there, write Polly a letter saying when you're eighteen, you'll come back here and sort things out.' Thomas calmly explained. 'I just told you. I make up my own mind.' Michael told Thomas. Thomas was looking at him. 'Do you know what we do? Michael?' 'We Shelby's?' Thomas asked him not breaking eye contact.

Franny had lit her cigarette and sat back in the chair. She was interested in this conversation. Michael clearly had that cocky Shelby spark. 'Yes. I think I know what you do.' he answered. 'Yeah. You've got smart eyes. But you're young, so you think what we do is all right. It's not all right. People get hurt.' Thomas explained. He waited a few seconds.

'Now call your mother. And I will drive you to the station.' Thomas offered him. 'no.' Michael directly answered. They both stared at each other for a while. When Michael suddenly started talking. 'In my village, there's this little wishing well. It's made of white bricks. Right in the middle of the village green. Everybody says how pretty it is. But i swear to god. If i spend another day in that village I'll blow it up with dynamite. Probably blow my hands off with it. But id be worth it. To see all those pretty white bricks. Spread over the pretty village green.' Michael explained. 

Franny let out a snort. And Thomas just scoffed. 'You're Polly's son all right.' Thomas said putting out his cigarette. 'Sure is.' Franny said agreeing. Smiling at Michael.

'Here use the phone.' Thomas said. 'I need to go now, Franny will take you to the shop after.' Thomas said petting Michael on the back and leaving the office. Franny smirked as she saw her brother in law walk out of the door. She stood up walking over to Michael. 'I'm not sure I even introduced myself.' Franny said sticking out her hand. 'You were with him, the day he came to see me right?' Michael asked. 'Sure was, I'm Francis. I'm married to John, one of the other brothers you saw this morning.' Michael shook her hand. 'But please call me Fran or Franny.' she said before showing him the phone and then getting back to her work.

The next morning

John came to Franny with some disturbing news. he had told her about the kid with the wooden gun and how he was going to work for us for his family. They had let him get himself arrested so he could get some inside in the prison. But Sabini had men there also. They killed him overnight. Franny her eyes turned big. 'Thomas is holding a meeting in an hour. Please be there.' John said kissing her forehead. 'I have some business to attend.' John stood up and walked out of the house. Franny stayed behind with Henry on her hip. She felt sick. He was just a kid doing some ground work for the boys and now he was dead..

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