Chapter 3 [<|>] Care

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Wels was...getting more and more annoyed by Hels. Hels just wouldn't shut up about making Wels free himself! The only time Hels talks to Wels is when he says that. And Wels is over the edge just trying to bare with his brother. They're brothers...nothing can possibly go wrong...! Yeah, no. Everything. Everything was wrong. Wels just...bears with him and sighs. "Hey, are you even listening?!" Hels yelled, Wels closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I am. My answer is no" Wels replied as he continued to build his base. It's been a long time he used his communicator so he took it out. Well. It was broken, much like the others. Wels could care less since he doesn't even use it. To be honest. Hels would care more about things than Wels. The more Wels hates and Hels feels the hate. He would care because he HATES it, he's MAD at it and wants to do something about it. So he cares unlike Wels. If he gets mad, it just makes Hels well. Be more him. While Wels just clearly starts not to care. All he cares about is what makes him happy at this point. But he does care about his brother. Yes.

He actually cares about Hels. That's why when Beef said if he wants to get him removed. He said no. He just accepts Hels. I mean, he thought when Hels was there. He wouldn't feel anger. Well, it works. But being mad is part of being human. Because if you're mad; you express yourself and start to care. I mean, imagine this; someone hurts your friends. You'll get mad, right? Well, if Wels is in that situation. Hels feels that. NOT HIM. So between Wels and Hels. Hels cares more. Moving that aside. Wels was building his base when he heard a 'meow'. Wels get immediately triggered. He turns around as he tries to find that meow. He heard it from behind his base. It was Maui, Grian's cat. Wels took a sigh of relief. "Don't kill Maui you idiot" Hels said, "I wasn't planning to. Ugh, why is he even here? I don't want to touch it" Wels said as he approached Maui. Maui meowed. "No" Wels immediately backed away. Maui follows him. "It's an adorable cat! It's fluffy. C'mon if I were you I'd snuggle with Maui" Hels said, Wels rolled his eyes. "That's you. Now, I'm gonna call Grian. You stay here Maui" Wels said, Maui meows.

Wels turned his back around as he put on his elytra. He went to Grian's base and went to the point. "Hey G, Maui's at my base for some reason" Wels said as he saw Grian. Didn't even say hi or anything. Grian turned to him "Oh, well. Hi Wels. And uh, thanks. Do you have him right now?" Grian replied as he asked. He looked around Wels and tried to find Maui. "What? No, I wouldn't touch such a thing" Wels said like someone who hasn't touched anything dirty for his life. "Rude bitch" Hels said, Wels just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Huh. Alright, well. I'll get him, just lead me to where your base is. I have no idea where your base is actually" Grian replied. Wels just nods. Wels lent Grian to his base. He pointed out where Maui is. Grian grabbed him. "There you are. I've been finding you! Now how on earth did you even got here?" Grian said as he hugged Maui. "Awwww" Hels said. Wels groaned. "Something wrong Wels?" Grian asked. "No. Nothing. Just a STUPID voice in my head" Wels said as he said 'stupid' in the more sarcastic way possible. "What, are you okay–" Grian said, more concerned. "Okay, no. Not stupid actually, but yes. I'm okay" Wels said as he closed his eyes and nodded. He opened his eyes and then crossed his arms. "Well...okay, keep watch on the redness. It's turning more like my magenta-pink problem" Grian told Wels as he patted Wels on the shoulder. Wels sighs, "I'm bearing with it... It's alright" Wels said and looked at Grian.

"Wanna talk about it or?" Grian suggested "Whatever is healthy" Wels said. "It's healthy to talk. So... I guess" Hels told Wels. "Okay, let's talk" Wels told Grian. Grian smiles and nods at him. The two took a sit on Wels' couch. Grian was patting Maui on his head while they talk; "Okay so. When did the voice start to talk?" Grian asked, "Since...Season 6" Wels answered as he started to recall. "Is this voice, familiar?" Grian asked another question. "Well duh, I am your brother who you vanished back to Hels!" Hels yelled, Wels closed his eyes when Hels yelled. Grian noticed that, he just didn't brought it up. "Y-yeah. It's...sure. Let's say familiar. Yeah" Wels answered as he sarcastic said 'yeah' at the end. "Do you remember whose voice?" Grian gave Wels another question. Wels sighs deeply. "Mmmm. I'll just tell you" Wels said, "Tell me what?" Grian asked as he tilted his head a bit. "About the voice. At Season 6. Beef made a cloning machine. It didn't go as planned and just separated my anger. Which I already have, AKA my brother, Hels. So yeah... The voice is just basically my brother" Wels said and shrugged. "Does anyone know?!" Grian yelled "No, just me and Beef. And now you. And don't tell anyone please. I swear" Wels told Grian. "Well- okay. But I think...that, whatever happened affected you" Grian replied as he told Wels what he has been noticing about Wels. "What do you mean" Wels asked straightforwardly.

"Well, I don't know you well. And since it started on the Season I just joined. I barely met you? But I've been hearing a lot. Like, a bit back from Season before Season 6. I've heard you were more...well, caring. I see aren't. N-no offense but. The other Hermits think you've changed since Season 6" Grian told the truth and explained. He needed to know one way or another anyways... Wels sighs, "I may or may not be losing care because of the machine Beef made. Beef told me an explanation since he noticed too" he said. "Can you tell me?" Grian asked, Wels nods. "He said that being angry is, well, human. And when I get angry, Hels feels it. Meaning if I get angry he gets angry and I wouldn't, well. Care. So yeah. I could see it. I respect that" Wels said and looked at Grian. Grian took a moment to process. "Why won't you just ask Beef to make a machine that removes Hels from you?" Grian asked. Now that triggered Wels in a wrong way. "Grian. As you can see he is my brother. Opposite or not he's still my brother. I wouldn't dare to remove him. From all of the Hermits being like my family. I still accept my brother. I'm not X who literally tried to remove his memories to not remember E—" "You don't have to go that far" Grian said sarcastically as he cut Wels' answer. "But I get your point. You love your brother and think you have to bear with him. Like how Tim bears with me. So I get you" Grian said and smiled at Wels.

"Well mines different because I can literally hear him..." Wels said and mumbled. "I heard that" Grian said, Wels just rolled his eyes. Grian sighed. "Moving that aside... I suggest not to make a machine to...separate Hels from you. Especially not with the codes...and...stuff" Grian told Wels. "I wouldn't dream of separating Hels from me. Who knows how much...destruction he'd make" Wels said. Grian just nodded. "What's up with the codes anyways?" Wels asked. "H-how should I know?" Grian asked and stuttered. "Looks know everything at this point." Wels said. "N-no, I'm gonna go now. Bye Wels! And Hels-" Grian said as he quickly flew off while carrying Maui. "Definitely know what's going on" Wels said, Hels laughed. "Oh shut up" Wels told Hels. Hels just giggled.


[Code Error] [Player <Welsknight><Helsknight> breaking game]

And just like that. Wels' game crashed. Amazing! He rejoined and crashed again. He messaged Xisuma in the backup Server that he couldn't join. Xisuma said he'd fix it right away. ... It took Xisuma 20 minutes to fix it. Was worth the wait. Wels joined back and it didn't crash this time. But he was back at spawn. "That hurt my head," Hels said, "I care less about how you feel. Because we share the same body at this moment. So I can plummet off a cliff and I would even laugh. Haha" Wels said sarcastically as he crossed his arms. "If you don't care then you should go tell Beef to make that machine to remove me" Hels argued. "Oh frick you" Wels said annoyedly. Xisuma soon came. "Are you okay Wels?" Xisuma asked. "I'm fine." Wels answered, "Why did your game crash anyways?" Xisuma asked. Wels looked at the playerlist. He swore inside his head. Shit was the word. "And he said he couldn't swear," Hels said. Wels groaned inside. "I don't know either" Wels answered, finally. The first answer he didn't lie about. "Alright...your stuff is going..." Xisuma said as he looked at Wels' cape. "Red? Yeah, figured. Let it...let it be" Wels told Xisuma.

It continues to spread. More like a curse. It actually helps the bug in the codes. The server has too many...things in it that it creates a bug. Which opened up the Rift. Etho must be on to something last time.

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