Chapter 11 [<|>] Piece by Piece

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Night time in the Server. Grian was doing his flying routine, like always, trying to distract himself. Originally, he doesn't do this often, rarely distract himself but now he's been doing it every single night. According to Scar, he's been seeing Grian flying since 2 months ago. Scar didn't think of anything else. He only thinks Grian does it normally. Grian knows Scar is watching him. He never talked to him, but everything changes. He went to Scar, he needed to talk to him anyways... So, Grian flew down, Scar was sitting by his window near his bed. "Good evening!" Scar said and greeted Grian with a light smile. "Evening Scar" Grian replied as he landed in front of Scar. Trying to make it less awkward with him. Scar hopped down the window. "You're getting better with those aero-cartwheels!" Scar told Grian, lighting up the mood after all that's happened. "Uhh, thanks. I guess..." Grian replied and looked away, Scar noticed the tone in Grian's voice. There was something obviously wrong... "What's wrong, Grian?" Scar asked right away. "I was just...thinking about what you said earlier when you told me to go back and talk to them..." Grian started to talk, he ignored eye contact with Scar.

"Yes! Of course! Why wouldn't I?" Scar replied and smiled at Grian, grabbing both Grian's hands. Grian looks at their hands holding each other. He blushes slightly. "Why? You've been in HermitCraft for years on end... And I'm just a Watcher bound to destroy..." Grian asked slowly, lifting his eyes to look at Scar. Scar sighs, "Before I answer... I gotta tell you something first..." Scar began to reply, Grian nodded as a sign of him to continue. "Look... I like you. I love you. Not in a...friend way, different way..." Scar confessed fully. The area fell silent. Scar flinched and thought to let go of Grian's hand. He did but Grian didn't let go. "Don't...let go..." Grian said, avoiding eye contact while blushing. "...why?" Scar asked. "I...Scar... I like you too... But...I'm a Watcher..." Grian answered. He still can't look at Scar, he might be so red right now... "Okay? So?" Scar asked. Grian turns more red. "I'm a Watcher... You wouldn't I work" Grian told Scar, trying to avoid ignoring eye contact. "I don't care. Do I look like I care? I wasn't even scared when you told me you're a Watcher" Scar replied sarcastically. Grian chuckles, "You should. Our bloodline and history is fucked!" Grian said as an attempt of humor.

"Well, tell me about it. I'm all ears..." Scar said and sat on the ground. Grian looked at Scar, Scar patted the ground next to him. Signing Grian to sit next to him. Grian smiles lightly, he sits next to Scar, Scar nods so Grian knows he can start. ", my mom's a Half-Avian Half-Listener. My dad's a full Watcher." Grian started, Scar was fully happy to listen. "I'm a Half-Avian Half-Watcher. Jimmy's a Half-Avian—Canary—Half-Listener. So, it'll even more fucked with a Blazeborn and a Vex!" Grian said and clapped his hands together at the end. Scar chuckled, "So, history?" Scar asked. Grian stopped for a moment. He takes a deep breath and then exhales. "Okay...uhm... Our parents uh...divorced. So my dad thinks love is just a distraction. I was like...5 years old when they divorced, so I obviously went with my dad!" Grian started, starting to ignore eye contact, again. Scar was deeply confused on why Grian went with him. "When I got my first boyfriend—Taurtis—I told him about it...I've been...scolded multiple times!... P.S, I'm still with my dad." Grian continued, trying hard to smile and not cry. He completely ignored eye contact with Scar. He takes a deep breath, trying to hold his tears from falling. "So, me and Taurtis in High School were a dynamic...with another friend of Taurtis... I'll just get to the point! Uh, nothing in our family about love...success... For example! Jimmy and Scott, they broke up. Me and Taurtis...shit happened, NEVER got in contact again! So, yeah..." Grian hurried it up and quickly looked at Scar. Still trying not to cry.

"Ohh...okay...uh, well, I'm not him, am I?" Scar said, "You remind me of him..." Grian said lightly, Scar stopped for a moment. "I'm gonna check on Tim. While I can talk and see him..." Grian said and stood up. He let his wings out, "Bye Scar," Grian said and was about to fly. "See you Grian! Love you!" Scar replied and smiled. Grian stopped for a moment, thinking about what Scar said just seconds ago. "Love you too" Grian replied and flew away. Scar's life felt complete. Grian's life started to feel complete. Both, for now. ... A knock came on Team ZIT's door. "Is...Tim here?" Grian asked, Impulse nodded "Jimmy," he called Jimmy out and then left. Jimmy stood up from the couch and went outside, he saw Grian and immediately wanted to leave and go back to Tango's arms. "What'd you want?" Jimmy asked. "I just wanted to check up on you, Tim." Grian answered, he smiled. "You never, ever check up on me. You must've wanted something" Jimmy replied, he doesn't believe Grian came for him and only him. He never did. Grian wanted to cry but he couldn't. "No. I came for you. You're always in Empires... The Life Series was one way for me to see you. But you always end up not being...well, there. With me. Last Life? Not counted. I couldn't talk to you one on one. Now that you're here, I can! I may not be the best older brother to you for messing with you. I weren't there when we were kids. I had no one to be an older brother to..." Grian told Jimmy, he may have ignored eye contact with Scar but this is different. Jimmy was his brother. He has nothing not to say. Jimmy compressed his wings, "I never...needed an older brother..." Jimmy said. Grian fell silent. He slowly nodded, "Because...I never realized how much I wanted and needed one." Jimmy wasn't finished. He finished his reply. Now. Grian smiled lightly, everything was going right. "And, I'm here now." Grian said, still smiling.

Jimmy nods. " are you? How are you and Tango? All good?" Grian proceeds to ask what he came for. "Doing great. Tango and I are...okay. I may be boyfriends with Tango!" Jimmy answered and smiled brightly. Grian knew. It was bound to happen. Double Life's mod works. Some are romantic and some are platonic(friends). Happens to Jimmy and Tango were romantic. Happens to Grian and Scar as well was romantic. "Congrats Tim," Grian replied, "What about you? Moved on from...him?" Jimmy replied and asked. "Actually, yeah. I did, uh...yeaaahhhh, me and Scar are..." Grian answered, and at the end he touched his pointing fingers. Jimmy was surprised. "Ayo? Gri! That's awesome!" Jimmy replied and smiled happily. Grian forced a smile. "Okay, what's wrong?" Jimmy asked, Grian sighs. "Just worried that what happened with me and...him, happens to me and Scar..." Grian answers, "It's really stupid!" Grian continued. "It's not! Plus, I think you should have fate with Scar. I don't think Scar's the type of guy to just...leave" Jimmy replied and shrugged. "Well, I gotta go now. See you tomorrow Tim!" Grian said and flew away before Jimmy could reply. Jimmy just waved his hand.

Jimmy soon went back inside. Scott's arm was around Tango while Tango was asleep. "Scott." Jimmy genuinely was pissed at Scott. "What? He was sleepy and he doesn't have a boyfriend to lean on..." Scott replied and smirked. "I was literally just outside talking to Grian—" Jimmy commented and rolled his eyes. Zedaph soon came, "He's asleep already? It's 6:22pm?" Zedaph asked and leaned his back on the wall near his Laboratory door. Scott and Jimmy nodded. "Should we move him?" Scott asked and glanced at Tango. "Mmmm, no. He doesn't like getting moved, especially when he's asleep." Zedaph answered. "Why?" Jimmy asked, "He got abandoned while he was asleep when he was 2... It's fucked up" Zedaph explained, he doesn't really know if Tango's comfortable to tell people about his past. But...yeah. "Oh sh– okay. We'll sleep next to him then" Jimmy replied, trying not to swear in front of Zed so he can seem nice and trustable. Jimmy's tactic for Tango to like him more and feel trusted is to befriend and be nice to the other Hermits. Especially with Zedaph and Impulse. Like Jimmy said, they slept next to him on the couch. Morning rises and the two wake up, Impulse and Zedaph are already eating. "Good morning you two," Impulse said and smiled at them. "Good morning," Jimmy and Scott replied. They slowly stood up trying not to wake Tango. "What time does he wake up?" Scott asked, "Either now, 8am or 11am." Zedaph answered and took a sip from his cup. "What." Jimmy replied, he wakes up THAT late?! "Yeah, he isn't at" Impulse said and looked at Tango who was still asleep on the couch. "Why? Can you tell me? I wanna be a good boyfriend–" Jimmy asked, "Well. He just missed you after Double Life. So ever since he's forcing himself to work in Decked Out even though it's in a Snow Biome and he's a Nether Hybrid! So he's tired very often" Impulse answered, Zed doesn't want to answer. He exposed Tango enough last night.

Jimmy just nodded. So does Scott. Tango soon woke up, he sat up and yawned. "I'll do it" Zedaph said and put his cup down and went to the couch. "Do what?" Scott asked and watched what Zed's gonna do. Zed grabbed Tango's blanket and folded it then put it down, he soon grabbed the pillows and put it back to where it was. "Tango doesn't do well with chores when he's not at his best state as we basically do everything for him. Unless building" Impulse explained to them. Tango was still half asleep, Zed patted him on the back. "Wake up bud" Zed said. Tango opens his eyes slowly, he nods. "Let's go eat," Zedaph told him. "I don't wanna eat..." Tango replied, "Tango, c'mon. You gotta eat" Zed replied, Tango groans and sighs. "Fine..." Tango replied and stood up. He slowly walked towards the Kitchen, and soon sat on his chair. The day starts there.

[<Like I said. I'll just be putting the EAO art here!>]

 I'll just be putting the EAO art here!>]

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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