Chapter 7 [<|>] Tangoing with PORTALS!

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Tango just got back from building Decked Out. Been a long day for him there, and him being a Blazeborn doesn't help. His outfit is dashing, everyone knows that. But it doesn't really protect him in his area. Which makes everyone very worried about him. He made it home over 20 minutes, heck, even more. He flopped down on the couch, he was cold, too cold. Impulse and Zed noticed him; "Tango?" Impulse called Tango's name, Tango weakly looked up and saw them, "Hey guys—" Tango replied and forced a smile. "God, Zed get a heater- What did we tell you?! Don't stay there for too long!" Impulse scolded Tango for staying too long in the Mountains. Zedaph hurried and grabbed a heater, he quickly came back and turned it on right next to Tango. "I know...I just didn't notice the time. I'm sorry" Tango replied and scooted over closer to the heater that Zed put next to him. Zedaph sighed, "You could've noticed your limits in the cold..." Zedaph said and shook his head, he was disappointed and worried. But more worried. "I'm sorry..." Tango whispered lightly, ignoring eye contact.

"You can't...every night you're like this. What's wrong? It's been weeks! We're getting worried" Impulse asked Tango, there was something obviously wrong that they didn't know was happening to Tango. "I...I'm just distracting my mind" Tango answered and closed his eyes, rocking himself lightly back and forth. "About what?" Zedaph asked, "This started when you got back from Double Life, I noticed." Impulse said. Tango sighed, "What's wrong? You can tell us..." Zed told Tango. They wanted to help Tango, why was he like this? Why is he distracting his mind? And what's the reason? "C'mon Tango..." Impulse said and sat next to Tango. Tango sighed "I miss him..." Tango said lightly, trying not to cry. "Miss who?" Impulse asked. "...Jimmy," Tango answered slowly, opening his eyes. "Oh" Impulse said by reaction. "Who?" Zedaph asked, he honestly doesn't know who Jimmy is. "Jimmy, he's Tango's soulbound in Double Life" Impulse answered Zed's question, Zed slowly nodded. "Why do you miss him though?" Impulse asked Tango. "He's my other half, my Rancher. Obviously I would miss him..." Tango answered. None of the two know how to respond to that.

"Do you think that soulbound actually works?" Tango asked Impulse, Impulse took a solid 3 seconds before he answered. "...No, I don't think so. Because me and Bdubs are just friends. I don't know... Doesn't Jimmy have something with Scott?" Impulse answered and brought up Jimmy's relationship with Scott. Hearing that, hurt Tango. A little too much, Tango tried not to cry, not to be dramatic. "...I didn't say goodbye, I...didn't even see him one last time! It isn't fair... Grian and Scar are INSEPARABLE. Wherever they go... And Jimmy's in another world, universe... I just..." Tango began to rant, bringing Grian and Scar into the conversation. "Look, we don't know how to help you... Just...sleep, you're tired—and cold—let's talk about this in the morning. Okay?" Zedaph said, Tango nodded. They went to their rooms and went to bed. But Tango couldn't sleep. When he and Jimmy got separated, he didn't feel himself. It's like he actually lost his other half. He just misses Jimmy. ... Due to that, he stood up and went outside. Just his luck; it started raining. The rain hissed on his skin, burning him. He stared at the rain, not moving away. He just stood there. Like as if the water wasn't burning him. Hurting him.

He stood there for a good solid 10-15 minutes. Not that long for someone to see him. Grian saw him while doing his flying routine—distracting his mind from what happened—Grian got worried and quickly flew down next to Tango. He covered Tango with his wing, "Tango! The heck are you doing?!" Grian yelled lightly at Tango. Tango was wet, very wet. Too wet for a Blazeborn. Tango just stayed quiet. "Tango!" Grian called Tango as Tango snaps back into reality. "G-Grian! When— how—" Tango was really out of it. He doesn't remember anything. All he remembers is staring at the rain. "Are you okay Tango?! You were basically doing SELF-HARM!" Grian scolded Tango, he sighed and face palmed. Tango slowly shook his head. "What...?" He asked. "What do you mean what! You were standing in the rain DIRECTLY looking at it! Are you okay?! Have you lost your marbles!" Grian continued to ask Tango. Tango took a moment to answer. He blinked once before speaking. "No... I— you know what I lost? I lost my SOULMATE–" Tango had to. He had to say it. He needed to yell. He needed to scream. Anything. He wants to. He needed to. "What?... You... Oh, Tim. You're not over that? It's been months Tango..." Grian replied and cackled at the end. Tango wasn't joking. He wasn't. One bit. "I'm serious. You put us through those. My soulmate—soulbond—he, he isn't even here when I wake up!" Tango started to argue. His wet hair started to flame, flame from anger. Anger. Anger.

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