Chapter 5 [<|>] Slowly but surely going mad

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Zed has been inside his Lab for quite some time now. At least he's using the Mod powers to use... He already has two white boards in front of him. And a lot of well... Hm, wrapped food on the floor. Tango and Impulse were good friends who were just sliding food underneath the door and putting a bottle of water on Zedaph's desk to drink. The two didn't want to disturb Zed so they just did that so Zed doesn't have to actually leave the Lab to be disturbed. Hours pass as Zedaph well, got knocked to sleep since he was actually too tired to function. He wasn't gay enough to function without sleeping. The two just let him be, he needed sleep anyways. Like he hasn't been sleeping this past few weeks. It was probably good for him to sleep, even if it was just out of nowhere. At least he's sleeping. He slept quite long and well actually. Just a long 5-6 hours. He wakes up from the realization that he fell asleep.

He quickly stood up and stretched for a bit. There was a piece of bread and coffee in front of him with a note saying 'slept well lol? - Impulse & Tango'. Zed giggled from the message. He ate the two pieces of bread and drank the coffee. That gave him enough energy to work again. He was simply functioning again. His tail was wagging from excitement. Or his ADHD is just actually acting up. Who knows. Zed is Zed, he's an insane man. Impulse passed by the Lab and looked at Zed from the window attached to the door. He saw Zed well, just thinking and writing down stuff on his third white board. Impulse just grows worried for the man. Zed saw Impulse "Impulse!!" Zed yelled as he opened the door and pulled Impulse in. "O-oh, hi? Hi!" Impulse said quickly as he got pulled in. "Holy sh...Xisuma said just to find ONE bug! You already found two. And you're tracking the Watcher?!" Impulse yelled as he saw the three white boards. Zedaph was looking proud. "Yep. I was unsure if I want to tell X just one so I made three!" Zedaph said and smiled.

"J-jesus..." Impulse reacted as he put his hand on his forehead. Impulse started to read what was written on the white board. "Bug 2... Bug 3... Zed- are you sure..." Impulse said and looked at Zedaph. "I'm sure. Communicators, a-a Player. One of us—probably—and maybe...well, Grian's death games..." Zedaph said and trailed off. "Explain" Impulse said as he sat on Zedaph's desk. "Okay. Communicators first. It's all broken. Xisuma's isn't. It may be because Xisuma's Helmet didn't came with the Server. He just connected it to the Server. And I saw Xisuma wearing his old helmet. The one with his memories with Evil Ex. Then I saw him again wearing his current one. I ASSUME— that he tried putting the memories into his current one. Which caused a bug since Xisuma's helmet holds a lot of data, coded and memories already. It'll be l-l-l-like a phone! It can't hold that many gigabytes. So yeah... Bug forms and all that stuff yada yada. But to our communicators. It's also connected to the Server. It would make sense on why it'll be broken after Xisuma tries doing that since communicators are connected to the other communicators! Since the Server codes or so communications are all broken as well thanks to X. So it should've given off a code error or it shut down" Zedaph explained...he was talking so fast while pointing at the white board. Impulse sighs.

"That...would make sense. Alright... I believe you in that one. Okay. What about the 'one of us' one" Impulse said, Zedaph smiles. "Gladly! Okay so!; I might have been used the Mod powers to look into the FILES—" "Zed! You can't do that!" Impulse yelled. "I had to! I had to dig dipper!" Zedaph argued back. "I-I don't care! You're breaking the Admin and Mod rules! You shouldn't and CAN'T open the files! It's called PRIVACY Zed!" Impulse gave out a point. "Shush! Listen to me!" Zedaph yelled. Impulse stood silence as he took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay! So, I looked at Everyone's files. I saw Wels'. Right below his was 'Helsknight'. His absolute SHIT of a BROTHER has his OWN FILE in Hermitcraft! IN THE SERVER. So I believe his here. BUT. In the Server location. It was always pointing at where Wels is. Now. It'll make sense. I looked at each Seasons events. At Season 6. Beef made a cloning machine and that machine made Wels somehow put his own brother in his head. Now Hels is stuck there and I bet he's trying to get out. But in real terms. The cloning machine worked. When Wels got back to his base. Hels was there and they had a fight and Wels vanished Hels back to Hels. Where I guess Hels has been all this years before Season 6! So, having two players in one body could make a bug. Even a glitch, so I assume the bug or glitch HELPED open the Rift up. So yeah, you know, yeah" Zedaph explained. Even swore. Impulse just let him be... It's okay.

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