Chapter 6 [<|>] Permanent Scars

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Scar was petting Jellie, he just finished building a part of his park. He was humming while he smiled lightly. It was a perfect day—well, for him and for now—. Grian came, "Scar, Xisuma's calling us now. Remember? The reports?" Grian said as Jellie got scared and jumped up as she ran away. Scar blinked and watched Jellie leave. "Scar?" Grian called Scar's name again. "Oh, yeah. Let's go!" Scar said, he stood up as he put on his elytra. Grian lent the way as Scar followed behind. They were a bit early. Yeah, a bit... There were five of them there. The two included, so three. Scar was playing with Grian's tail as they waited. The Trio, Team ZIT came. Impulse and Zedaph immediately looked at Grian. Grian took a light breath. Scar noticed. "You okay?" Scar asked, Grian just nodded as Scar stopped toying with Grian's tail. Scar barely left Grian's side after that. Then everyone slowly came. Just like last time, it took half an hour.

"Alright. Who's going first?" Xisuma asked. Etho pointed at Zedaph. Zedaph glanced at Impulse and Grian. Scar noticed how their eyes kept shifting at each other. Scar kept Grian close to him, there was a feeling inside him that goes 'Stay away from him', those kinds of vibes. "Alright... Okay..." Zedaph started to speak. He told them Communications first. As far as it went. It went alright, Xisuma can confirm he actually tried that. He apologized and fessed up he missed his brother. Scar aww'd. Everyone just chuckled. It was Scar enough to aww at that. And then... Zed said the next one. Wels stood quiet, he looked at Grian. That made Scar snap. "Pause pause. Why is everyone looking at Grian?" Scar asked as he looked at Zed, Impulse and Wels. "Scar don't—" "No no. It's making you uncomfortable, right?" Scar replied, Grian just nodded. "Anything wrong Scar? Can we proceed?" Doc asked and raised an eyebrow. "...Go on," Scar said and sighed. He crossed his arms and turned away. "Anyways... Wels? Confirmation?" Cub said and asked. "Beef?" he proceeded. Beef nodded. "It was the season's way back alright. I didn't know it'll last through Seasons" Beef said.

Everyone understood. "Alright... Etho? What about yours?" Xisuma asked Etho. "I was looking for the Watcher. Since I thought it'll be more helpful" Etho spoke, he was smiling. Grian started to get nervous. "Go on" Cub said, Etho nodded. Zed opened his mouth and closed it immediately. "Well, I'm not fully done yet. But I can guarantee. There's a Watcher in the Server. I backtracked the History of the Codes, it said something like... Processing and something... Oh! It said 'Reload' with a question mark. Someone clicked 'No'. And it said it wasn't an Admin, so I thought. Maybe a Mod. But no. It wasn't. So I went deeper. There was nothing. And it didn't say anything about an unknown user. It said 'User got removed from History Search'. So the Watcher removed the History update, hoping they don't get found. AND it doesn't say anything about any open holes in the Server scanners" Etho said. Everyone looked around. Grian closed his eyes and took another breather. Grian felt someone pat his back. Grian looked and saw Scar smiled. "Don't worry about it" he said. Grian nodded.

"Q-question. W-what do we do if w-we found the Watcher?" Grian asked as he stuttered. "We ask them if they meant to do it" Xisuma said, "Yeah. I mean, they've been here for a long time to prove they don't mean harm" Doc said, Cub nodded. Grian took a sigh of relief. "So, whoever the Watcher is say it!" Cub said, he meant it as a joke. Grian's hand started to shake a bit. Scar held his hand, Grian started to calm down. Everyone soon got dismissed. Grian and Scar were left there. "Are you okay Grian?" Scar asked Grian. Grian nodded. "Are you sure? Please tell me..." Scar told Grian. Grian sighed. "Let's go to my base first. So I can...calm down" Grian replied. Scar nodded. Scar carried Grian as he flew with his elytra. "Scar!! Put me down!!" Grian yelled. Scsr just giggled and didn't. He carried Grian all the way to his base. "I said my base not yours!!" Grian yelled as he saw Scar was headed to his base. Too late though. Scar already put him down. Grian just settled in with it.

"Anyways... Are you gonna tell me what's been bothering you?" Scar spoke and asked Grian. "Aright. It was about finding the Watcher," Grian began to speak. Scar began to listen. "I had my very own Server. Called Evolution SMP. And it was, well, destroyed by Watchers. And basically I got forced to be a Watcher— so I got scared. Thought Etho found out it was me" Grian said, he was scratching his neck as he ignored eye contact. Scar was silent. Grian looked at Scar, Scar looked...speechless. Grian was scared. "Scar?..." Grian called for Scar's name. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Scar asked, there was hurt in his voice. "Why would I?" Grian asked, Scar's eyes twitched. "Because— W-we're basically bestest of friends. You can trust me with anything Grian" Scar told Grian, he smiled nervously. "I know Scar. I just don't know what you'd do if you knew" Grian told Scar as he chuckled a bit. "I'd keep it safe for you. Don't worry about it, Grian!" Scar said and smiled at Grian lightly. "Phew! Good! I don't know what I'll do to you if you tell them!" Grian said and chuckled. "Do to me? What?" Grian said as he got a bit scared. He got scared.

"Nothing Scar. Nothing" Grian said as he prepped his wings out. "Now, I'm going back to my base. See ya'!" Grian said as he flew off. "I feel...dis-trust" Scar said as soon as Grian left. Scar just shook his head. He tried to distract himself. But. There's just a growing scar on his heart. It hurts. He doesn't know why it hurts. Maybe he's just being a good friend... Yeah, just a friend. He couldn't think of anything else right after that conversation. He sighed, "Owh... Jellie, what's this...feeling?" Scar said as he patted Jellie on his bed. Jellie meowed. Scar just snuggled with Jellie and slept. ... Waking up in the middle of the night. He stretched. There was no way he'd fall asleep. He went outside and looked at the sky. He saw something...flying, he squinted his eyes. It was just Grian. Scar always catches him practicing. He never knows why though. Grian's already is the best flier in the Server. Scar watched from below. For his point, Grian is like dancing. Dancing up in the sky. He always wanted to join him but he assumed Grian might call him a creep and all that. So, he silently watched and enjoyed it.

Grian stopped as he flew back down. He landed really near Scar's base. Scar quickly hid. Grian turned his head. "Huh" Grian said, Scar was covering his mouth to prevent him from making noise. "Some Watcher I am. Missed that. Might've been Jellie walking around or something" Grian assumed. He just shrugged as he left. "Phew..." Scar said as he stood up and took a sigh of relief that he didn't get caught. Grian flew to him "Aha!" Grian said, Scar got scared "Jesus! Oh- G-Grian!" Scar said as he got nervous, he smiled nervously with a mix of his nervous chuckle. "Were you spying on me??" Grian asked and put a smirk on his face, Scar looked away "N-nope! I just walked out..." Scar answered with a lie. "Okay, totally was spying on me" Grian said and nodded, Scar giggled. "Why are you up anyways?" Grian asked, "Oh, I slept earlier and I woke up," Scar answered. "Ahh" he got a reply. "And why were you practicing flying every night??" Scar asked. "Geez, obsessed much to watch me every night, Scar?" Grian said, Scar blushed red as he covered his face "I JUST SEE YOU OUT MY WINDOW" he yelled. Grian laughed.

A bright magenta soon flashed. Grian immediately pushed Scar away and lipped the word 'hide'. Scar did, "Xelqua" a Watcher said. "H-hey!" Grian said as he chuckled and tried to act cool. "I've found out that you're being tracked down. What have you been doing!?" they yelled. "Don't worry! They won't know— It's just something they'll do and fail! J-just plan on— destroying the Server! Yeah!" Grian said as he pushed them away. "Fine. Don't do something stupid. Do your job" they said and left. Grian sighed from relief. "Destroy the Server? Grian what??" Scar asked as he stopped hiding. "D-don't worr—" "Don't worry?! Grian! What else haven't you been telling me! Have you been lying to us//me// for this long!?" Scar yelled and interrupted Grian "Scar! I would never! I-I wouldn't do that..." Grian said, "...Get the fuck out of my base" Scar told Grian. That hurt both of them. "S-scar...please" Grian said as he went to Scar, Scar backed away. "Get away from me! M-monster...liar..." Scar yelled as he sobbed, Grian was crying in front of him. "B-but...I'm not... I'm not with them..." Grian tried to explain while crying.


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