Chapter 23

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Miss Me?

"I'm telling you I feel absolutely fine! Now, can I please go back to Hogwarts? The last Triwizard tournament task is in three days!" Millie plead with her uncle and Molly as they stared at her in her hospital bed with crossed arms. She had woke up two days ago but they were still keeping her imprisoned in St.Mungo's, much to her annoyance, running every imaginable test on her to ensure that she was completely and utterly better.

"Amelia, you were cursed. We just want to make sure you're okay before we send you off to school again. Besides, most people would be ecstatic that they got out of exams and get to skip school." Remus reasoned with her.

"Oh yeah, I'm utterly enthused that I was knocked out for twenty-five days! Ecstatic that I was attacked by some unknown bloke and Mr. Crouch went missing again." At Millie mentioning her being attacked, Remus's jaw clenched, like it did at every mention of it and Molly's face tightened in anger. "Right, skipping over the attacked bit, can I please go back?"

"We'll see what the Healer says today. Most of your tests have come back normal so far." Molly answered, trying to play peacemaker.

Millie huffed, falling back into her pillows again. She closed her eyes in annoyance to calm herself down but as soon as she did the little boy from her dreams with long, curly black hair appeared again, laughing as he held his arms out to her. Her eyes snapped open as she sat forward with a gasp and clapped her hand to her forehead.

"What? What is it?" Remus asked urgently, jumping up and rushing to her side.

"Nothing, it's just... another flash from the dreams I had when I was...out." Millie replied sheepishly as she avoided looking at her uncle.

His face softened as he understood somewhat but not entirely since Millie had refused to talk about it. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, it's okay. It's just- it surprises me when it happens. The flashes are so...strong. Like they're real memories." Millie avoided looking at her uncle, not wanting to tell him how, in the dream life she had, that all his friends were still alive. That they were all together and happy, that there wasn't any death or hardships. That it was...completely and utterly normal. A life they could never have.

Millie was saved from further inquiry by Healer Heron coming into the room. He smiled at Millie before saying, "Good afternoon, Miss McKinnon. How are you doing this afternoon?"

"Dying of boredom." Millie replied dryly.

"Amelia!" Molly reprimanded her.

"Please, tell me I get out of here today." Millie begged the Healer.

"Well, all your tests have come back normal and you aren't displaying any serious side effects so I think we can clear you to go home." Heron told her.

"Yes! Finally!" Millie cheered.

"Healer Heron, are you sure? She's still having those flashes." Remus asked, dashing Millie's good mood a bit.

"The curse used on Millie was essentially just a very strong sleeping curse that gave Millie life like dreams. Considering the strength of the curse and the length of time she was in a coma, it is understandable that she would remember parts of it. I wouldn't worry too much about it. If they start to become a problem, you can always bring her back to see me." The Healer informed them, Remus relaxing as he understood that Millie was actually okay again. That she wouldn't have any lasting physical trauma from the incident.

"Thank you, Healer Heron." Millie said sincerely, getting out of the bed to hug the older man cheerfully. After being thanked by both Molly and Remus as well, he left the room, telling them that as soon as all her belongings were put together they could take Millie home. Millie went into the bathroom to shower and change before coming out to tell them she was ready.

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