Chapter 9

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Just Friends?

The days following the champions being chosen were incredibly hard for Harry so Millie spent a lot of time with him, especially since Ron had decided to be a jerk and stopped speaking to Harry. At the moment, Harry and Millie were outside doing some homework, ignoring the students that would occasionally pass by and make a snarky moment to Harry.

"Do you know the rest of the ingredients for the forgetfulness potion?" Harry asked, trying to finish his potions essay.

"Er, yeah. Here look at my essay." Millie handed it over without looking up as she tried to finish her History of Magic essay on yet another goblin rebellion. After a couple more inches, she deemed it good enough and stuffed it back in her bag, stretching her arm above her heads and looking around. "Is Hermione still working on her S.P.E.W stuff, Harry?"

"I think so, either that or she's with Ron." Millie made a bad face at that. Hermione has been trying to play Switzerland with the boys and not take either's side but Millie was staunchly on Harry's side and refused to pretend that Ron's not acting like he's a child.

Millie leaned back against the tree, studying everyone surrounding them. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the nice weather but Millie was preoccupied thinking about Harry and Cedric having to compete in the first task in a few weeks. She was broken out of her thoughts by Harry calling her name.

"Yes?" She asked, giving him her attention.

"Er, I thought you should know, um, Hermione suggested it and... it was a good idea so, um-" Millie interrupted Harry's ramblings saying, "Just spit it out, Harry."

"Um, I wrote to Sirius to let him know that I was entered into the tournament. Hermione thought he should know." Harry looked sort of scared to tell Millie this as he knew she could get explosively angry when forced to talk about her father. Therefore, she could tell Harry was surprised when, instead of her head exploding, she asked him if Sirius had replied yet.

"No, not yet.'re not mad?"

"Harry, your relationship with Sirius is completely different and separate than mine. I've accepted that, so long as you no longer try to make me write to him." Harry looked like he wanted to argue with the second part of Millie's statement but was distracted as Cedric Diggory walked towards them.

"Hey, Harry. Amelia, could I have a word?" Millie looked at Harry, ascertaining that it was okay with him if she left and when he nodded, she got up and walked away with Cedric. He took them a little bit away from where Harry and others were sitting, before stopping next to a wall of the castle.

He leaned against it, facing Millie and asked how she'd been doing the past couple weeks.

"I'm fine, Cedric. I'm just worried about you and Harry, really. And, honestly, I should be asking how you are doing." Millie smiled at him, patting his arm as she went and leaned against the wall next to him.

"I'm okay. Nervous for the first task, obviously, but everyone's actually been really supportive."

"Yes, it is very good that you are being supported. Especially with those cute little buttons. I think you know the ones I'm talking about." Cedric flushed with embarrassment at Millie's statement and her annoyed look.

"I've asked them not to wear them, Millie, but I can't control what everyone else does. But I didn't want to talk to you about the tournament, I've been wanting to talk about us but you kept avoiding me so..."

Millie cleared her throat, looking at him questioningly. "So, what were you thinking? About us."

"Look, I like you a lot. I think you're great but I don't think you know what you want and I don't want to get in the middle of someone else's relationship. I think it would be best if we just stayed friends, if that's okay with you." Cedric finished his speech, looking at Millie with obvious concern. It was clear to her that he was really worried about hurting her feelings and that endeared him to her even more.

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