Chapter 24

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Dumbledore's Proposal

"Hey! You made it finally. Have fun?" Ginny asked as Millie and Fred collapsed onto the sofa next to Ginny in the midst of the party that was raging around them.

"Oh, shut up." Millie told her, laughing. Fred left to go get the both of them drinks, giving her a kiss on the cheek before heading to the drink table.

"Oooooo, you have to tell us what happened." Hermione demanded eagerly as she sat down next to Millie and her and Ginny leaned in close to Millie.

"Well, me and Fred are...officially dating."

Hermione and Ginny both let out excited screams, clapping joyfully. "Well, he moved quickly." Hermione teased.

"Actually, it might've been me who initiated it..." Millie trailed off as Ginny let out another excited screech. "Fuck, Ginny. Calm down a moment. Anyway, he's coming back so you'll just have to interrogate me about it later."

Hermione scooted back to the end of the sofa so that Fred could sit next to Millie, who he then handed a drink to. "It's just pumpkin juice, I figured you shouldn't drink since you just woke up from a coma."

"Spoil sport." Millie said and stuck her tongue out at him. Fred just shook his head at her and put his arm around her so she could settle in closer to his side.

"Since no one else seems to want to ask," Ron started as he and Harry sat on the floor near them, seeing as there were no more seats on furniture. "Do you remember anything about the attack?"

Hermione smacked Ron on the arm, saying something about how they agreed not to bring it up since it was too soon. Harry nudged him as well, shaking his head in admonishment of Ron. Fred squeezed Millie around the shoulders to comfort her.

"Guys, it's okay. You're allowed to ask me things. But, no, I don't remember what happened." Millie told them before taking a sip of her drink. She looked at each of them and noticed Harry's slightly disappointed look before he wiped it from his face. "I'm sorry but the last thing I remember is walking out of the castle with Harry. After that, everything just gets...confusing."

All her friends looked at her with varying ranges of expressions of pity and surprise. Feeling uncomfortable about the amount of attention on something that she was getting, Millie shifted uncomfortably before looking at Harry. "So, the last task is almost here. How are you feeling about it?"

"Nervous but we've been practicing a lot so I think I'll be okay." Harry gestured to Ron and Hermione in reference to them practicing. "We've been working on a bunch of jinxes and other things that should help."

"Oh, well I can help tomo-"

"No!" Harry cut her off quickly, not even letting her get the rest of her sentence out. Millie looked back at him, shocked.

"I- Harry, what do you mean 'No'? You don't want my help?" Millie was slightly hurt by Harry's quick shut down of her offer.

"You just came out of a bloody coma, Millie. I am not practicing jinxes on you!"

"Oh, well I could still help somehow."

"I'm not risking you getting hurt again because of me!"

"Harry..."Millie sighed, trying to figure out how to finally convince Harry that it was not his fault that she was attacked. She moved away from Fred, going to kneel on the floor next to Harry and grabbing one of his hands before making him look at her. "You have to stop blaming yourself. I'm fine. What happened is no one's fault besides whoever is the one that cursed me. So, if you say it's your fault again, I'm afraid I'll have no other choice than to hex you."

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