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It was a dark night and the man rumbled along in his motorcycle. Passersby may not have noticed but tucked against his chest, sleeping soundly was a small girl. He wasn't sure how he was still able to stay on the bike, given the horrors that he had just witnessed but he tried to stay calm for her. Quicker than he thought, he arrived at the shabby home. It didn't look like somewhere you would take the most precious thing in the world to you, but Sirius knew that it was the only place where his daughter would be fully protected.

"You'll take care of her, won't you?" Sirius had to know before he.. did what had to be done.

"Of course I will; but what are you doing Sirius? Why won't you say where you're going?" Remus asked of his best friend.

"It's a long story.. and hard to understand. Just to take care of my daughter."

-10 Years Later-

"Uncle Remus! Uncle Remus!" Millie shouted.

She heard his thundering footsteps and he appeared at the bottom of the stairs with his wand drawn.

"What is it? What's happened?"

Millie giggled before answering, "I've finally got it! I got my letter from Hogwarts! Can we go to Diagon Alley to get my supplies?"

"Yes, yes. Nearly gave me a heart attack, you did. Don't know how I'm not used to your shouting yet." Remus reluctantly answered. "Just remember what we talked about, okay?"

Millie frowned as she remembered the dozens of conversations she'd had with her uncle about her father. Her father, of course, the mass murderer Sirius Black- or so says the Ministry of Magic. Because of his reputation, Millie and her uncle knew that she couldn't be sent to Hogwarts with his surname so she had to remember the story fabricated by her uncle. Her mother was Marlene McKinnon, of the well-known pureblooded McKinnons that had been around centuries but were sadly extinguished by He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Uncle Remus determined that should anyone ask about her father that she would say that her mother met him abroad soon after she graduated Hogwarts but lost touch with him and when she found out she was pregnant, she learned that the man had been killed by a group of Death Eaters.

Millie also knew she was to keep quiet about who was raising her and was only ever to refer to him as her uncle because Remus Lupin, despite being the best person Millie had ever known and the person she loved most in the world, was a werewolf and werewolves were not looked upon nicely by the Ministry of Magic.

"Yes, yes, I have remembered what you told me." Millie grumbled. "Hard not to when you tell me eighteen times a day."

"I know it is frustrating, pumpkin," Remus replied gently, "But in order for you to be treated fairly at school, no one must know about who is raising you or your father. I fear what would happen if anyone found out."

"It can't be that serious. Molly and Arthur-"

"The Weasleys are an amazing exception, Millie. They are one of the few families that judge people by who they are, rather than what they are." Remus interrupted. "Speaking of them, how about we pop by later to see if Ron wants to accompany you to get your books, hm?"

Millie recognized that her argument was long lost as she had had it roughly a million times, so she allowed him to change the subject since it was, after all, her wish to go to Diagon Alley with Ron Weasley, one of her best friends in the whole world. Well, actually her best friend tended to change because all the Weasleys were so amazing and she considered them all her best friend. If the boys were getting too annoying, then she and Ginny would hide away from them to paint, play wizards chess on equal ground (they were both rubbish at it), or just complain about her brothers. Fred and George were her best friends when she wanted to get into some mischief, although, George tended to be more accepting of her hanging around. Millie got the feeling that Fred could get quite annoyed with her sometimes. Percy was never her best friend because he was too caught up in schoolwork or trying to boss her around to be her friend. Bill and Charlie were more just like her older brothers and would teach her all sorts of things like new Quidditch tricks, the best way to annoy Percy, and what to do if someone did mess with her at school- Millie believed she was quite ahead of all the other first years in non-dangerous hexes! But, Ron was her best friend most of the time. He felt so overlooked and lost in his family that Millie couldn't help but spend most of her time with him. They spent a lot of time raving about their favorite Quidditch players and trying to collect all the Chocolate Frog cards.

"Yes! I can't wait to go get my wand! And a cat! Or an owl! And my robes, my books..."

August 31st

"But I don't want to go with them! I want you to take me!" Millie cried.

"It is best if no one sees me, darling, and I have a job interview tomorrow. Besides, you haven't spent much time with the Weasleys this summer and I know they would love to have you one last night before you go off to school for months!" Remus reasoned with her.

"But... I'm going to miss you Uncle Remus." Millie really was crying now, the realization having just set in of not being with the one constant she'd had her in life for the past ten years for months now that she'd be going to school.

"Listen to me, you are the best thing that has ever been in my life." Remus started, making Millie focus on him. "I know that its been tough at times, and I haven't always been the best caregiver for you but that doesn't change how grateful I am for you. You will have an amazing time at school; my years at Hogwarts were the best of my life. Its where I met your mum, your dad before- before the war happened. You'll forget all about me once you get there, Millie."

Millie had been with him but at his last sentence, she crossed her arms, scowling, and exclaimed, "I will not! I'm going to write you every single day and there's no way I'm not coming home for Christmas!"

Remus smiled like he knew something she didn't but finally got her to finish packing so that he could deposit her at the Weasleys because even though she didn't know it, Remus was going to miss her more than he could ever imagine. 

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