Chapter 2

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                                                                             Getting Harry

The next few days passed in a blur with Harry at the Burrow. They spent a lot of time playing 3 on 3 Quidditch and Harry really wanted to discuss the Sirius situation but Millie was still refusing so she spent some time holed up in the twins room.

"So, are you going to tell us why you are avoiding Harry?" George asked her without looking up from the item him and Fred were trying to perfect.

"Are you going to tell your mother that she did not, in fact, get rid of all your Weasley Wizard Wheezes products?" She retorted without looking up from her Hogwarts: A History book.

"Come on, now. Don't be like that! We just want to help, don't we Fred?"

"Just leave her be, George. She doesn't have to tell us if she doesn't trust us, I suppose." Fred replied. Millie had to started to smile at Fred in response but at his last remark, she scowled and slammed her book closed.

"I am not avoiding Harry. I am simply spending time with two of my other very best friends. But if you don't want my company..."

"Well fine, but if you are going to hide out in here until we leave for the World Cup then you have to help us." Fred told her this as he came towards her holding some candies. Knowing them, though, she leaned away from him and looked at the candies apprehensively.

"And exactly what help do you require?" Millie inquired, raising my brow.


"You see-"

"Mum destroyed our whole supply of our nose bleed candy, one of our rather more brilliant creations."

"So, we are having to start almost from the beginning and we are losing quite a bit of blood so that's where you come in! You can take turns with us trying the product."

After hearing what sounded like their rehearsed proposal, she considered them wondering if they thought she was mad because no way was she falling for something like that. "You two are barking if you think I am going to be your test subject. Have some first years try it when we get back to Hogwarts!"

They considered my response but Fred shook his head saying, "No, they aren't quite ready for something like that. And fine, you don't have to try them but you do have to help us with the potions side of it, since you are so brilliant at that." Fred looked pointedly at George.

George realized the new angle they were going at so he continued, "Yes, you are the most talented out of all of us-"

"And so lovely-"

"And brilliant at Quidditch-"

"We would be forever in your debt for your help." They finished together.

She looked at them, considering their offer, pretending as if her mind isn't already made up. But when it seemed as if they were going to launch back in to the compliments, she raised her hands surrendering, "Fine, just don't tell your mother." 

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