Chapter 28

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Hospital Wing

The next couple of hours passed by Millie in a blur. She remembers Fred and George helping her off the bleachers and they made their way to the hospital wing since Mrs. Weasley was convinced that was where they would bring Harry. Madam Pomfrey took one look at Millie and made her lay in the bed next to where Harry would be, giving her a potion that was supposed to calm nerves. Millie didn't realize it but she had silent tears running down her face and was extremely pale and shaking. Fred sat in the bed next to her, holding her hand tightly. Millie clutched him like a lifeline, imagining that she could absorb some of his strength through the nightmare she seemed to be experiencing.

Mrs. Weasley fussed over her and the others talked quietly to one another but Millie hadn't said a word since she found out Cedric had died. She didn't know if she could speak, it felt wrong to be able to partake in simple things when one of her best friends never would again. She just shook her head in refusal when Mrs. Weasley or Bill would suggest that she nap, that she should rest. She couldn't imagine the dreams she would face now if she drifted off. Would it be more nightmares from the night she was attacked? Or, worse, would she be plagued with dreams where Cedric was still alive? Dreams that would just make her ache for times that are past and she would wake up feeling worse than what she had before.

"Mum, lay off. She doesn't want to sleep. Just leave it alone, she'll want to see Harry before she rests. Okay?" Fred finally told his mum after she suggested for the thousandth time that Millie close her eyes and rest. Mrs. Weasley looked like she wanted to argue but decided to turn her attention to Bill and began a new conversation. Millie just squeezed Fred's hand in thanks and rested her head on his shoulder.

George came and sat next to Millie, opening his mouth to say something when everyone's attention was drawn to the doors of the hospital wing where Harry and Dumbledore had just entered, and at Harry's side was a large black dog. Millie had a grim suspicion that she knew who the dog actually was since its gaze seemed drawn to her as they entered the room. Millie quickly looked away from the dog to scrutinize Harry, who looked worse than she had ever seen him before.

Millie and the others listened in as Dumbledore told everyone to leave Harry be, as Madam Pomfrey gave Harry a potion for a peaceful sleep, and Mrs. Weasley threatened everyone within an inch of their life if they bothered Harry. Harry just glanced around at everyone then downed half the bottle that he was given. Seeing Harry sleeping, Millie decided to succumb to the exhaustion she felt pulling at her.

It seemed to only be moments later when Millie was woken by the yells of Professor McGonnagall, Dumbledore, and Minister of Magic, Fudge. From what she could gather, they were arguing over Fudge not accepting that Voldemort had come back. Why anyone would think that Harry could make up that whole story, Millie had no idea. Harry was nowhere near devious enough to pull off such a thing; if it had been Fred and George proclaiming the return of the Dark Lord, perhaps Fudge would have ground to stand on but that is not the case.

As Fudge cast another distrustful look at Harry, Harry finally spoke up. "Don't tell me you believe what Skeeter writes, Minister?" Harry's tone was that of a weary man who had been through too much in life, nothing like what a 14 year olds should be and Millie's heart ached for her best friend.

After some more blubbering, Fudge swept out, leaving the Weasleys, Snape, Dumbledore, McGonagall, and the large black dog. Dumbledore turned to Mrs. Weasley, asking things that Millie couldn't pay attention to because of the enormity of the situation. This was too much. She was just a kid, Harry was just a kid, they all were. They shouldn't be going through this.

"Hey, it'll be okay. We've got Dumbledore." Fred whispered to her as he wiped the tears off Millie's face. She hadn't even known she was crying but given all that happened, and what she suspected was about to happen, she wasn't surprised. She nodded at Fred and cuddled in closer, still clutching his hand.

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