Chapter 11

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It'll Be Fine?

"Millie, you need to talk to him."

"It will clear everything up if you would just-"

"Both of you just quit!" Millie whispered back harshly in response to Ginny and Hermione respective whispered suggestions as they were walking into the Great Hall for a quick breakfast before the first task of the Triwizard Tournament. "I am not going to be one of those girls that chases after some guy that doesn't even want her!"

"But he does want you!" Ginny exclaimed. Millie gave her a furious glare and told her to keep it down as they made it to where Harry was sitting and looking rather ill as well.

"Harry?" Millie asked, putting her hand on his shoulder and giving it a squeeze. "Are you feeling okay?"

Harry just shook his head, staring down at the table before glancing at Millie then Hermione and Ginny. "I'm not cut out for this. I don't want to do this."

"Harry, you've faced Voldemort three times and always came out on top. You will be fine. We all believe in you!" Millie encouraged him, Hermione and Ginny both chiming in with similar sentiments to raise Harry's spirits before Professor McGonagall came and told him he needed to head down to the arena.

"Blimey, I'm worried for him." Millie confessed to her friends after Harry had left the Great Hall.

"Yeah, but... he'll be fine. He always is." Hermione insisted, wringing her hands in worry though.

"Uh, Millie, I don't know if you'd want to know this since you are insisting that you're fine and everything, but Fred is walking into the hall right now." Ginny informed Millie as she buttered up some toast to eat. Millie whipped around and saw Fred walking in, knowing she did not want to face him right now as all her feelings concerning him were confused and jumbled.

"Um... actually... Seamus? Dean?" Millie called to the two boys as they stood up from the table, once she got their attention she asked, "Are you heading down to the task?" Once they nodded in the affirmative, she asked to join them and once they agreed, she stood up to join them, taking a croissant with her. She waved goodbye to the girls, ignoring their disappointed looks as she maneuvered her way out of an interaction with the twins and Ron.

"So, Millie, how's your uncle? He was such a good professor." Dean asked as they made their way out of the hall, Millie avoiding Fred's eyes as she left the hall with Dean and Seamus.




"How was Harry?" Millie asked Hermione as she came back from visiting Harry in the champions tent. Hermione made a bad face before telling her about the situation with Rita Skeeter in the tent and Krum telling Skeeter to leave. Laughing, Millie said, "Oh man, I can't wait to see what she writes about you."

"What are you talking about? Write about who?" George butted into their conversation.

"Well, not that it's any of your business, but dear Hermione here just got on the wrong side of Rita Skeeter." George laughed with Millie, ignoring Hermione's annoyed look.

"I'm glad you both think this is so funny. But, if you would like to focus, I think its about to start." Hermione finished her sentence just as a canon sounded, making Millie flinch in shock. Millie refocused on the arena as she noticed it was Cedric coming out of the tent as the first champion to compete.

All traces of humor disappeared from Millie's face as she latched onto to George's arm, "Oh Merlin..."

Millie felt George give her a squeeze to comfort her. Both of them flinching as the dragon he was facing shot fire directly at Cedric, but it looked as if he dodged most of it.

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