Chapter 17

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Uncle Remus's News

"For the millionth time, I'm not talking about it!" Millie snapped at her friends during breakfast in the Great Hall. Her bottom was slightly bruised from the events with Marko last night but she had refused to tell anyone who she'd talked to or what had happened. Ginny had tried her hardest to get the information out of her after Millie escaped upstairs to avoid the boys' questioning.

"C'mon! You show up after a five-minute chat with some mystery person, you have a bloody lip, and you don't expect us to ask about it? You're not that thick, Millie." Ron reasoned with her, looking at her lip with a grimace.

"Come on, it is not that bad Ronald. Just forget about it! I am not telling anyone. It was a... private conversation that doesn't have to be publicized." Millie rolled her eyes at Ron's exaggeration. Ginny looked as if she was about to start back in with her argument of "but we don't keep secrets" when they were distracted by the mail being delivered. Several students at the Gryffindor table were receiving things but Millie was surprised when an owl stopped in front of her to drop off a letter.

"Who's that from, Mills?" Harry asked, probably hoping it was something from Sirius.

"Um, looks like it's from Uncle Remus." Millie answered, confused on why he had written her when she had just written back to him a couple days ago. She went ahead and opened it, wondering what it could be that Remus wanted.


I know you are probably confused about why I'm writing, but don't be worried. Everything's fine. I just wanted to let you know that I've had to move again. I found a new job and the people here seem very nice, hopefully I'll be able to stay here for a bit. However, the area I'm in is predominately muggles and I don't know how often I'll be able to write without drawing unwanted attention to the owls coming in and out of the building I'm staying at.

Remember, if you need anything you can always write Molly and Arthur and they will help in any way you can. I will try to stay in contact as much as possible. Padfoot is another option if you need something but I know you probably aren't ready for that. I know he's been writing you so, if you are comfortable, it would be good to write him back; no pressure, though, take your time, darling.

I love you and miss you every day. Tell Harry he's in my thoughts and that I wish him the best of luck in the tournament.



Millie folded Remus's letter back into the envelope, feeling rather put out at not being able to contact him for some amount of time. She stared at the envelope, sitting it next to her plate, trying to stuff her feelings down, to ignore them.

"Amelia? Is everything okay?" Ron asked softly, squeezing her arm to comfort her.

Millie let out a little cough, glancing around to see her friends had noticed how the letter had affected her, before answering Ron, "Yeah, everythings fine. Uncle Remus just got a new job, he said he didn't know when...when he'd be able to write me again."

Millie's friends exchanged worried glances as she dejectedly moved the food around her plate, not eating anymore despite not having much before the letter came. From Harry to George to Ginny, they all tried to take her mind off it and get her to eat some more but Millie kept insisting that she was fine, remaining morose throughout breakfast and for most of the day. She sat through all of their lessons, not taking a note, she messed up potions so badly that Snape had assigned her an additional essay, and she had fled to her dormitory after classes had ended for the day to escape the inevitable cheering up her friends would try on her.

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