⛓️ .Chapter III. ⛓️

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Hours have passed since Obanai went to bed, but he can't seem to get any sleep "what is wrong with you, Obanai!?" He thought to himself "I can't sleep..." He thought again "my mind is just full of what happened today...I can't get my mind off of him...!" Obanai thought as he hit his head "snap out of it, Obanai! Your not gay! It's just...what's happening right now...right..?" He thought as he sat up on his bed "maybe a glass of water will help me..." He stood up and went to his kitchen to get some water, he drank it all the way and was about to clean the cup until he heared a knock at the door "at 2am? Are you kidding me?" He thought as he quietly placed down the glass of water in the sink "Hold on!" He yelled as he sprinted to his room, tip-toeing as he passed where kaburamaru was sleeping and got his bandages to wear. After that he went to the door. "Kocho!?" He startled as he opened the door "At 2 in the morning!?" He said "Aha...I just wanted to remind you to tell us tommorow morning what you saw this afternoon...but the real question is..." Kocho said, stepping closer, closing in the distance between them "why aren't you sleeping?" Kocho asked as she glared at him "I- uh- just went to get a glass of water.." Obanai said "I'm gonna uh..go back to bed.." Obanai said stepping back in his estate and closing the door halfway "Good night, Iguro-sama! Have a good night's sleep!" Kocho said as he shut the door behind him. "Good night, too, I guess..." He said back. He walked back to his bedroom and was finally able to sleep.

The next day...

"Ne, Iguro-sama, can you tell us what you saw yesterday?" Kocho said, sipping a little bit of her tea. "Well, so uhm...how do I start..." Obanai said "It's all this...mixed up story, y'know?" Obanai said, gesturing to them "just get on with it!" Shinangunzawa said, putting pressure on Obanai "So uh, let's just say, it seems like Tomioka has...friends..if that's how you say it.." they both gasped at the news "hah," Shinangunzawa chuckled "him? With- FRIENDS!? AHA!" Shinangunzawa laughed. "Well, iam glad he has friends and that he is not lonely but..why wouldn't he tell us?" Kocho said doubtfully "Well, those are one of the things I'm still trying to find out" Obanai said "and quit laughing you-!" Obanai said, hitting Shinangunzawa"No, no, I just can't!" Shinangunzawa burst out once again in laughter "I can't even believe a loner like him would have friends!" Shinangunzawa continued, "now, now, that isn't very nice, Shinangunzawa-san." Kocho said "Sorry." Shinangunzawa said, and stopped laughing as well "Well, obanai-sama," Kocho said, turning to look at Obanai once more. "Hm?" Obanai questioned "Yours should probably still watch Tomioka-san, this is quite the information you got and it was just one day! But...if you don't want to...it's fine..." Kocho smiled Obanai sat in silence for a while, then, he sighed. "...sure...why not...it's one of the interesting things I can do..I guess..." But deep down, Obanai knew it wasn't just because it wasn't just an interesting task. "Since I already ate breakfast, I'll just relax for a little bit and get to watching him, sounds good?" Obanai said, standing up "Mhm! We should also get going now, see you around, Obanai-sama!"

As Obanai was about to go to Tomiokas estate, he was found by a certain someone "Iguro." Tomioka said sternly from behind him, and Obanai startled "Sorry about that, I have a strange suspicion someone might be watching me from my estate." Tomioka said, looking down at Obanai as he regained his posture"H-huh? What? I'm not watching you!" Obanai said nervously "I'm not saying you are the one watching me, I'm just saying that if you see someone suspicious, tell me." Tomioka said, "Uh, oka-" before Obanai finished his sentence, Tomioka already left.

Obanai sighed, he's almost got caught, he has to be more careful now. But he has lost sight of where Tomioka has gone again "perhaps I can wait for him near the water estate?" Obanai thought as he quietly hopped onto the trees to go to the water estate, Obanai almost fell off the tree because he was startled by something or someone coming closer to the estate. "Who is that?" Obanai thought as he pushed away the leaves gently that we're blocking his view "Kanjori-chan!? What is she doing here!?" Obanai thought as he watched Kanjori, bouncing off as she walked to the entrance of the estate. And as Kanjori reached the door, she knocked, waiting for an answer. After a few minutes, Tomioka answered the door, also startled by Kanjori's presence "Ah, Nezuko-chan has been waiting for you." Tomioka said as he let Kanjori in the estate "don't make too much of a ruckus in there." Tomioka said as Kanjori bounced off towards the 2nd floor. Tomioka stayed for a little bit outside, holding the door open and looking around. Obanai hid behind a tree as soon as Tomioka looked at his direction. Obanai breathing heavily, he tried to slow it down, because it would blow his cover and would show where he was hiding.

He kept still, hiding behind that one tree, hoping Tomioka would go back inside so he wouldn't get caught. As soon as he thought he heared the door close, he stood up from that cramped position he was standing on, until, he suddenly felt an odd presence behind him. He didn't dare to turn around as Obanai nervously sweated "It's probably just an animal right? No way I got cought instantly..." Obanai thought as he slowly but surely turned around. As he turned around, he saw Tomiokas sea-blue eyes, staring right at him.

He was obviously cought.

To be continued...

Just a side note, we will be somewhat focusing on Obanai's POV more than we will view Tomiokas, since Obanai is kinda the main character in this fanfic. I'm sorry, but each chapter might take a while... -The author :)

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