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      Hey guys, this is my first time following through with a story idea. I hope you guys enjoy it. Please rate and comment so I can revise it later😙😙 The song here is supposed to help with the story's mood. Listening and reading will help a lot 😉


The desolate outskirts of Gotham City were not the place for the faint of heart. The crime rates were intensely high, the drug market kept unchecked, not to mention the poverty rates were the lowest they could be. Hell, even the so-called 'Superheroes' of the earth tend to stay away from here. The darkest shadows can be found in the light here, the temptation too strong to bear as the local gangs fight for territory.

Making my way home for the night, I couldn't help but notice another criminal act. A small collective of gang members finds themselves outside of an abandoned building. Seeing a brand on one of the criminal's shoulders, he realized he knew the symbol. The League of Assassins. A deadly organization that plays its hand in the hearts and nightmares of all the residents in Gotham. Yet, no matter how dangerous it seemed, I couldn't help but feel my curiosity thrive on seeing what they were up to.

The men glanced around them and then slipped through the busted door of the building, my eyes glancing up to a faded pawn shop sign. The sound of rustling and movement could be heard from outside. They were looking for something. I wonder...

Waiting casually nearby, I waited for the men to leave. My nimble feet let me stay quick and silent as the men made their way toward an odd-looking cave at the edge of town. Following them inside, I'm not sure what I was expecting. Though, usually, my curiosity didn't get the best of me. But, today felt right, like there was something I was supposed to see or do here.

Turning a sharp corner, I saw lights flooding an oval-shaped room. A large pool of water was in the center, the bottom of which was nowhere in sight. The greenish water gives a neverending feel to it. I wish I could swim. Then this wouldn't be that scary. Suddenly, a man appeared near the pool. His silhouette is a perfect replica of a Greek hero. His body was covered in black with specs of green, the armor seeming to give off a shimmer of power.

With his appearance, the men fell to their knees, the eyes and heads of the group avoiding the man's gaze. Almost like their lives depended on it. "Did you bring me what I asked?" He said, his eyebrow cocking up a bit.

"W-we did, sir, the black and green rocks like you asked." One of the men spoke, his voice trembling. His hand moved to hold out a small pouch toward the man.

"Well, it seems you lowlifes are worth something after all." He said calmly, snatching the pouch out of the man's hands. "After all, it was I who gave your life meaning. Before this, wouldn't you agree?" He asked, his eyes glancing to the side as if inspecting the men.

"Yes, master, you, the Devil's Head Ra's Al Ghul, leader of the League of Assassins, gave me a chance at a life I never knew possible." One of the younger men said, my eyes flicking to him and noticing he couldn't be much older than me. A knot formed in my stomach, and I almost ran out to make him leave.

"Good. For your next task, young spider, I have but one thing to say," He says, slowly pulling the boy up to look at his eyes. The man's body shaking in his gaze, he smirks, "No witnesses." Pulling his other hand from his cloak, Ra's held out a katana placing it out for the boy to grab.

The boy grabs the katana and unsheathes it as if in a daze. The other men are now looking up to see the scene for themselves. One suddenly, realizing the meaning of Ra's words, ran away, only for the katana to sink through the man's chest. The light faded from his eyes as he looked in my direction. Hearing a few more grunts and screams, I realized I had just witnessed several murders. My breathing became more violent as the information sunk in.

Angel among HeroesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz