Chapter 3: A chance for friends

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"T-Tim?" I asked the slightly younger male, my mind going in a billion different directions as to why he could be there. 

"I won't be long, but I need to ask you something. Did you have powers back at the cave, or did that happen after?" He asked; my awestruck face seemed enough of an answer as he turned and disappeared down the hall. Well, that just happened. I was shaking my head, thinking it was the craziness in the air, eyes barely keeping open as I flung myself onto the bed. 

After the sun began its early afternoon decent in the sky, I awoke to another knock on my door. This time softer, my mouth opening up into a yawn as I crawled my way to the noise. Opening the old wood, I was saddened to see it was indeed Stephanie. Smiling at me, she looked down at my clothes. 

"Wait, you wore those yesterday, slept in them, and are still wearing them?" She asked, her eyes staring at my clothes. The random things that had managed to survive the explosion. Looking down at the clothes, I couldn't find anything wrong with them, minus the holes here and there. 

"I don't see why not; they're not dirty. I wasn't outside or anything outside of getting in and out of the car." I said earnestly, her smile utterly disappearing as she looked at me. 

"That's orphan, for this is all I have," She sighed, looking at me. My eyes gave it away when I refused to meet her gaze. "Okay, that's fine. We will borrow some clothes from Dick. He's a little taller, but they should fit decently. Then when we get you showered and clothed, we will also go shopping for your room and closet." She nodded before starting to walk down the hallway, her ponytail swinging back and forth. 

Stopping abruptly, she spun quickly on her heel and smiled, "Are you just going to stand there, or do I need to drag you myself?" Then, spinning back around, she began walking again. Closing the door behind me, I quickly followed her, my bare feet running on the hardwood floors. Something I'm sure Alfred wouldn't be pleased with. The man's particularness for slippers was made apparent the night before. 

"Ah, this one." She said, walking up to a door and just opening it. Following behind her, we walked into the neatest room I had ever seen outside of a hospital. The bed was neatly made, with a small nightstand to the side and a pile of magazines sitting neatly on the top. A memory of the first time I went to the dentist sprang into my mind. My mother laughed at me when I grabbed a magazine and tried reading it upside down. 

" What are you thinking about?" Stephanie asked a small pile of clothes in her hands. Her eyes looked at me like she had seen an angel or something. 

"Oh, the magazines reminded me of my mom. It was a good memory, one of a few. Still good, though." I said, taking the clothes from her when she held them out for me. Following her back to my bedroom, she shoved in the attached lavatory. Saying something about 'waiting on the bed for me so as not to take forever.'

Letting the water run for a moment, I expected it to be cold when I finished undressing. Instead, the nice hot water washed away the past four months from my body. A wave of relief flowed over me, my body feeling better than before the cave incident. Once I had finally rinsed my body of all the soap and dirt, I stepped out. Slowly towel drying every little crevice I could find. 

Finally dry, I looked at the clothes. The ice blue shirt fits almost perfectly, the sleeves hanging an inch or two lower than my hands. Next, slip into the underwear, then the pants. I had to roll up the legs because they were too long, but the waist felt snug. Finally, I used the comb I found sitting on the sink and ran it through my hair a bit. 

"Are you okay in there? I'm coming in; hide the goods!" Stephanie called from the door; I turned around with a toothbrush in my mouth. A paste-covered smile greeted her when she turned and grabbed at her chest. 

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