Chapter 10: The Marks of a Hero

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With the lights, the music, the food, and everyone seemed like everything was fine. Yet, I couldn't help but feel more alone than I ever had. The only memories of past birthdays involving both my mom and younger brother. A mother I never truly got to know and a brother that never got to live. 

Sitting in the corner of the room, I watched as everyone chatted. I hadn't gotten to know a few newcomers, some members on a mission when I showed up, and even some Leauge members were crowding the room. Some dancing to music, some chatting, watching, hore playing, some even staring daggers at each other. A few noticed me but not saying anything. The fact I wasn't exactly happy to be celebrating a birthday tended to turn away strangers. 

Not wanting Wally to be kept in my hand, I told him to have fun. It was a party, after all. I shouldn't ruin it for him. Everyone else was either giving me space or unsure what to do, and Dick finally decided to come over and sit with me. 

"It's your family, isn't it?" He asked without hesitation, his brother's instinct kicking in. Our time together, training, studying, and hanging out, gave us a brotherly bond. 

"Yeah, it's my first birthday without them..." I said, A tear slowly declining my cheek. 

"The first is always the hardest, but do you remember what you said when you decided to join us? To let all of us become your family?" He said, his words calming my mind. The progressively growing smile on my face as I realized what it was. 

"We not only owe it to them to enjoy life, but we also owe it to ourselves. No matter the course of life, family is forever. Whether we are or not, we are one." So I said, his arms pulling me in for a hug. One of very few I've seen him give, let alone willingly. His hand patted my shoulder before he walked back to the party. My mind is at peace with everything for now. 

"Hey, Angel! Join us! We're going to play some Ghost Hunt. Want to join us?" Jack called from the other side of the room. Everyone else is starting to listen in and get excited. 

"Ghost Hunt?" I asked.

"Yeah, we use ghost gear to track Danny down before he whispers the magic word in your ear to freeze you." Beast Boy explained, walking into the room, his goofy grin almost matching the one on Wally's face. My lips forming the most significant smile they could, I ran up to join them. My mind became entranced by the joy that everyone shared. The night flew by as if I was high off happiness, my mind finally clearing as I fell into bed with Wally. Our lips meshed together in savagely placed kisses.  

By the time we had settled down and decided to go to bed, it was way late in the morning. Our bodies and minds shut off quickly before opening what felt like seconds later. Climbing from the bed, Wally was in nothing but his boxers. His left leg was hanging off the bed as he had rolled in his sleep, and a bit of dried drool could be seen below his lips. My head shook through a smile as I walked out of the room, my feet guiding me to the kitchen area. 

Finding Dick, Danny, Jack, and Jason at the table drinking coffee, I waved and went straight for the coffee. A choice I usually never make, who drinks bean juice? I sat down at the table and started sipping without even thinking about it. The others silently looked at me like I had grown an extra head. 

"What? Is there something on my face?" I asked, taking another sip of the brown liquid. 

"You're drinking coffee, you look half dead, and you don't have any granola in front of you? Who are you, and what did you do to Max?" Jason said, the others nodding in agreeance. 

"I didn't do anything, and I just went for the coffee today. So it's not that big of a deal?" I said, becoming confused about why it even mattered. 

"If you say so," Jason said as the others waved it off and started chatting. Jason and I eventually joined the conversation. Connor finally arrived with the delicious leftovers from yesterday's party with him. My stomach suddenly lurched at the thought of food, my throat growing acidic as the smells hit my nose. Quickly standing up, I ran back to the room. Unfortunately, I forgot my coffee as everyone gave me weird looks in my direction. 

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