Chapter 22: A Stroke of Death

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As the villainous evil doers spread themselves out, their numbers shrinking one by one as the team split up, taking them off quickly, quietly, and in sets of three. My counterpart, Dick, and I rushed off toward Luthor, only to be halted by an explosion. A man was standing in the path wearing orange and black armor, a thin curved blade in his hands. 

"You shall be tested here, and the price of failure is death. Good luck, young heroes," The man spoke with a sense of nobility wafting from his words. Quickly throwing my hands to my side, I felt the weight of my picks fill my grasp. A smile grew on my face as the others prepared. Dick's staff sparked as its electricity charged, and his lips curled to a snarl. 

"Deathstroke, you're supposed to be dead. So how are you here?" Dick growled, my counterpart sneering as he made a gesture and scoffed. 

"He was brought back in the Lazarus Pits. I can sense the magic still residing in his head and heart," Daemon explained, his demon-spined scythe appearing from a cloud of red mist. 

"In the end, it doesn't matter how I'm here. This is where your stories end," Deathstroke said, the ominous tone of his voice assuring me he was serious. A knot in my throat caused me to gulp in fear. 

"Not today, not anytime soon. Our stories have only just begun," I smirked back. My body lowered into a hunched position, my picks ready to toss the man's body between them. 

His sword angled slightly before sprinting towards us, my feet moving somewhat slower than me. Daemon propelled Dick from his scythe, the man's body flying through the air right into Deathstroke. Their weapons clashed at just the right moment for Dick to spin off it, his arms using the momentum to rocket him back from the ground to kick the man in his chest. The attack hits, only to be almost ineffective. The armor softened the blow as the villain swung his sword out, Dick flipping backward as he dodged. A tiny sliver of hair fell to the ground, and both were stuck in a weird trance. 

Suddenly, a scream got their attention, my counterpart's scarlet blade slicing the air beside Deathstroke. The man dodged at just the right moment, the blade sinking into the ground as I watched a clone of myself swing to kick as the man backflipped towards me. My feet propelled me into the air just in time to get smacked to the ground by the man's kicks—his foot landing on the top of my head. 

"I told you, there's no use in fighting the inevitable," He said. My magic sensing that even if only slightly, the man had tired. But, on the other hand, I was still in perfect shape, minus the feet holding me down. 

Summoning a wave of magic, I forced it from my body. It's power echoes from me, the source. The man jumps only to be caught in midair, the scarlet scythe catching the armor and throwing it to the ground—the man contorting his body so that he lands on his feet. My body floated up from the rubble, now surrounded by a tight aura of my magic. The magic pushed my body past its limits and forced it to become faster, stronger, and more fluid in its movements. 

"That," I said, spitting blood and dirt from my mouth. "Was a big mistake." My body arching again allows me to toss my body towards him. His body bent to dodge as I twisted in the air, snatching the top of his chest armor. The forced forcing his body over my own, my pick seizing the laces of his boots. The blade spun as I used it to slam him into the ground, my hands letting go and arching above my head. My mammoth hammer formed as I slammed down towards the center of his back, the man crying out slightly before rolling away. 

Flipping to land on the head of my hammer, I watched as the other two rushed him. Dick swiped with his nightsticks, Daemon sweeping the air above Dick at an angle to avoid hitting the teammate. The assassin flipped in just a way to prevent both attacks, my magic busting out of my hammer as he did. My body flew directly where he was as the others backed up, the hammer hitting now between his feet. His katana swiping where my head had been, I ducked and shifted my hammer away. That of my daggers replaced the weight, the blades stabbing at the air in unison across his chest. 

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