Chapter 8: Angel's Cry

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Laying there restless after Wally said he was falling for me, my head ran at a million miles per minute. A giant quake in the mountain pushed me to the ground, everything in the room rattling, causing Wally to wake up in a flash. His head whipped back and forth before spotting me on the floor. A significant groaning noise above me gained my attention, and I saw a large hole caving into the ceiling. Wally used his speed to grab me out of the way just in time for it to fall directly where I had been. 

My feet landed softly in the kitchen, realizing I had fallen onto the ginger speedster. His arms grabbing to hold me, I felt the shimmering hope of magic in me and pushed out with it. I was begging for protection. But, instead, my wings sprouted and covered Wally and me from falling debris and dust. My heart pounded in my chest as Wally's pounded in my ear. The ordinarily fast pace was going double, if not triple, the speed it usually was. 

After a few more sounds of shattering glass and falling rock, the ground became still once again. An uneasy calm in the mountain settled in, only to be pierced with sirens. Red rotating lights blared around us, Wally looking over me for any injuries. His face was dripping blood from a cut above his eyebrow. 

 Wally dragged me along; we entered a room I had never been to. A large spaceship-type machine was in front of us. The others quickly popped up from various corners of the room, all razzled with dirt or bruises of some sort showing up on their skin and clothes. "Is everyone okay?" Dick asked, getting a head count. M'gann holding Connor's chest, was close to tears, the shock penetrating her mind. Walking over to her, I tapped her shoulder and smiled. Her eyes looked at me in relief. 

"Alright, everyone in the Bio-ship. We need to figure out what happened, and this is not the place." The man said, a stash of hidden hero outfits being pulled out from a secret compartment by the ship's door. Everyone but M'gann, myself, and Connor began taking turns changing into their businesses. Wally was that fast, having finished without even so much as letting go of my hand. His mask not covering his face yet, he looked me over again. He was hugging me tightly. 

"I don't know what I would do if you had been hurt." He said, his face a horrifying mess from whatever he had imagined. I pulled his face down to mine with a warm smile creeping onto my face. Our lips met for a kiss before I moved to kiss his forehead. 

"Osculetur hoc ut melius fiat." I whispered, the words flowing to me. Knowing it was Dove helping me, my little angel was guiding me. 

Pulling back from the kiss, I watched as Wally's wound stitched itself closed and then disappeared altogether. Not even a scar was present, the only evidence being dried blood on his eyebrow. The two of us joining the others in the ship, we waited as M'gann took us into the air. He was camouflaging the ship and hovering over the mountain.

"Alright, let's see what's on the news-" M'gann said, a screen popping up. Lights flickering to show the news. The scene of several collapsed buildings popping up is almost immediately interrupted by Batman's face on the monitor. The background behind him was a mess, as we could see Wonder Woman and Superman in a fight. 

"Kids!" The Batman called to us, relief in his voice. "Good, you're safe on the ship. I had feared for the worst when nobody answered the comms, though I can see you all had the right idea. Protecting yourself, each other, and the world." He said, an almost smile on his face. Some weird creature pops into the camera view. Batman flips it, then knocks it on the ground. 

"Alright, team, I'll debrief you quickly since this is an emergency. There was an explosion in downtown Star City. Multiple buildings full of civilians have been affected by the blast. Your mission is to save all of the civilians, then find the source of the explosion when you have completed your mission report. The League will be waiting on standby if we are needed. Good luck." He said before the comms cut out. Static ran through the air as the news showed back up. 

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