Chapter 23: The Injustice Among Us

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It didn't take long for us to reach the next rendezvous, our group splitting in two as we set out in our final mission stage. Everything was going according to the plan that Daemon and I set up, then again. Getting a glimpse into the future wasn't something you got every day, if at all.
Moving quickly through the air, I held onto Wally as we whispered. 

Dick and Daemon's decision clouds our minds. The two choose to be different couples from us. Not that I minded, but it was unexpected. However, it gave Wally and me our exclusiveness and then theirs. 

"Do you think they'll work out?" Wally asked me, his head looking up as we magically floated through the air. 

"They'll be fine. After all, Daemon is just like looking in a mirror. Literally. Plus, Dick gets what he wants, and you get what you want," I said, smiling down at him. But, unfortunately, my eyes looked up just in time for us to dodge an attack from the ground, a giant vine whipping out at us. 

"Looks like the fun is starting. Let's tune into the party, shall we?" M'gann asked, her eyes telling me she had heard everything. 

"Let's have some fun. Time for cannonballs. You boys ready?" I asked, glancing between Wally and Connor, the two smiling as they nodded. M'gann and I released the two, my hands in front of me as I released balls of magic at the ground. The dust erupted as Connor landed, his fist punching into Solomon Grundy. The giant beast growled out as the two began throwing punch after punch. 

On the other hand, Wally used the momentum to run down the side of a building, his super speed keeping him balanced as he began avoiding a large echoing blast. The building exploded whatever they hit, smoke filling the air where a man stood. An odd-looking cane held his thin frame, the explosion still firing from the weapon's hilt. 

"Don't worry, and he's fought Savage before. The brute is using count Vertigo's tricks," Danny said behind me. His body appeared from thin air, his form flying forward as he landed next to the Joker. The crazed clown gleamed at him as they began to spar, Jack, moving down the giant bine in front of us. His laugh filled my ears as he turned them to ice. 

Looking to the ground, I noticed Poison Ivy crying out for her plants. More vines erupt from the environment surrounding the pair. The woman is clearly out of her element with Jack, his frostbite attacks, freezing the vines in place. His body slid through them like he was riding a roller coaster. 

A smile reached my lips as M'gann screamed out, her eyes full of fear. Her face returned to normal soon after. "Hello, Psimon. Ready for round two?" She chastised an odd-looking man standing on a nearby rooftop. The two seem to be in some form of psychological warfare.
Flying around the battlefield, I continued forward, the others knowing to advance as soon as possible. A sudden blast of electric red magic exploded beside me, and my body was knocked from the air. Rolling across the dirt before stopping, my eyes looked up to see my first-ever nemesis. Child. 

"Been awhile, magic boy, but this time you won't get off so easily." She smirked, my mind remembering how out of control my magic had been back then. However, the power I had now far surpassed it. 

"Hello, Child. How was the trip back home? Did you miss me?" I asked, my blades appearing in my hands. 

"Oh, don't worry, this time will be much different. I took notes from our last encounter and won't lose so easily." She replied, her hands sparking as I picked myself up off the ground.
"Then let's get straight into it. Whaddya say?" My lips parted as I rushed forward, her magic allowing her to dart towards me in the air. 

Quickly dodging a few of her blasts, I released my blades toward her. The knives sliced through the air and cut the fabric of her clothes. The tears caught her off guard as I flipped backward, dodging a few more of her magic blast. 

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