Chapter 12: A Joker's Circus

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"So am I going to be the one who says it?" Beast Boy asked, everyone in the Bio-Ship getting into their seats as we began hovering in the air. The ship moving at the same speed a jet would, the initial take off causing me to have butterflies. 

"Says what?" I asked, now curious what my green friend had to say. 

"Next time you and your human vibrator feels like doing eachother, please gag yourself or sound proof your room. Also, really with the magic? We all got to feel what you felt, not in the physical sense thankfully, but yikes." Jason chuckled from the front, the others all sprouting smiles. Wally laughing his ass off as I blushed into my suit. 

Then something stuck a cord in me. 

"Wait, I was using my magic to share my feelings?" I asked, Raven opening her eyes while nodding. 

"It seems that you are indeed more like us halfas as we thought." Raven said, my eyes growing confused. 

"Halfa?" I asked, a sudden turbulence causing the cabin to shift. Sirens and red alarms blaring around the ship, everyone either growing concerned or scared. 

"Shit, they clipped our wings. We can fix it, but it's gonna take time. Whatever it was though, it wasn't good. It's our destination." Dick said, co piloting with M'gann who seemed to be half out of it. The view being displayed to us causing my stomach to twirl. 

Swarms and swarms of gang members, police officers, first responders, and civilians could be seen fighting each other. The chaos distracting them from the large Circus being set up in the square. The ghoulish decorations colored in green and red, or pink and blue. A large clowns head in the center opening up a large tent. 

"Joker..." Jason whispered barely loud enough for me to here him. 

"Alright team, first we need to get all civilians, officers, and rescue crew away to safety. It's our jurisdiction now, as for the gangs use non lethal combat. Subdew, do NOT kill. We're heroes, and killing is never the option." Kaulderaun recited to us, the backhatch flying open as we descended. A few of the young heroes flying out with their levitation, gadgets, or athletics. Wally throwing himself to the round corner of a circus ride, his superspeed keeping his landing soft as he ran towards the first crowd he could. 

The chaotic scene below me caused me to hesitate, the combat becoming somewhat less scary when the team joined in. Civilians began to notice, causing them to all start to fall back. Only one's without the choice stayed behind. A large mound of snow formed in the air, dropping as Jack swooped in with his staff. Sending a few of the enemies into the snow, their bodies becoming frozen in place. Others using their powers simalarly, the scene soon cleared. A sudden force causing me to lose focus, my stomach lurching as the Bio-Ship crashed into the ground. My magic shielding me from any real danger. 

Hopping from the veichle, I felt strong arms quickly grab me. The world spinning as I was sat down just as fast. My head turning to Wally, a few scrapes and cuts covering his body. His usually yellow suit becoming more and more red. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, my magic saved me. What about you though?" I said looking over all of his cuts, the worst of them already caugulated and closed with dry blood. 

"Oh this? It's nothing, though I would suggest that you brace yourself." He said, his eyes giving a cast off look. 

"Why?" I asked, my eyes growing curious as I turned around to where he was looking. The gang members thinning out, a line of circus clowns lined up slowly making their way to the mix. "Who- Are they?" I asked turning back to the man I was falling in love with. 

"Those are Joker's crew. Like his higher ups, and they are not only dangerous but almost as crazy as he is." He said, wiping a drop of blood from his nose. 

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