Chapter 19: Everyman but Me

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Within a split second, the others charged at Everyman. His hands clipped the sides of their bodies as they were all swiftly taken out by their powers, or in Harlee's case, her fighting prowess. The only none powered person in the group, her new bat shattering as she fell. Another speech about how unique those bats are beginning t form in my head. 

"Now, the rabble has been dealt with. Their powers are boring, but what about yours?" He asked, his face looking curiously through his mask. The green suit flowed through the air as fast as my eye could follow, his hand slapping dead center of my chest. His eyes widened slightly in shock, his feet kicking him back away from me. 

"W-what are you!? Why can't I take your powers?" He said, "It's like your a deposit only!! Magic doesn't work like that!"

"It is when you're me," I said. The others regaining themselves, began watching, their eyes carrying hope and happiness. 

"Kick his ass, babe!"

"Yeah! For my bat! Fuckin' asshole!" Harlee chimed in, and her eyes set low with anger as she flung the broken handle behind her. 

"That's not possible," Everyman cried out again. Fear in his voice, his eyes filled with terror. "Without a way for magic to exit the body properly, magic reserves will drown the host. This shouldn't be possible!"

Without any hesitation, he took off in the opposite direction. Sprinting past the others who were in desperate need of a shower, and vanished down the street using Wally's speed. The others looked wildly confused but happy. 

"Fuckin'weirdo!" Harlee called after him, Raven grinning as Wally shook his head. 

"You're one to talk, Harlee," He said, his lips pursed as he looked at me carefully. Something told me he had something on his mind that he hadn't quite figured out. The old lady's words ran through my head, the unknowing feeling of who she was still springing to my mind. 

"Alright, guys, we should start heading to the rendevous. There's still a lot to do before we can say we saved the day," I said. The others nodded as we strolled down the street, our feet carrying us in the same direction as Everyman. 

As we walked further, we finally found new buildings and clean streets. The area had been evacuated in time by emergency services, the only bodies being ours and a unit of Luthor's drones and robots from Cadmus Labs. The red-eyed machines scanned the area as they patrolled. The sun was beginning to set behind us, the area gaining a dark orangeish filter. 

"Well, the only way is through. Time to play a game of 'Nutz n' bolts,'" Wally said, a grin on his freckled face. His green eyes sparkled in the light. 

"Person with the most points wins?" I asked. A mischievous grin spread on my lips. 

"Is there any other way?" Harlee asked a pair of pink and blue pistols in her hands. The grin on her lips sent a shiver down my spine. 

"Last bot standing is a pinata," Raven said, joining in on the bad puns and banter. The four of us rushed towards the enemies, my fingers brushing at the air. My Bo Staff appeared inside them, the familiar weight guiding me to my first opponent. The robot seems human in shape but is completely covered in metal and craft. My Staff swung its arms off as I twirled it, another robot punching out at me. This one is slightly larger, its other fist punching me into the air. 

Feeling for my magic on instinct, I felt my wings sprout. The feathers flapped as I stabilized in the air. My StafStaff shifted into two batons. The weapons struck out at a third machine, its thinner frame smashing easily to the force. The same robot from before attempting to punch me missed, breaking the thinner one. 

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