Chapter 2: Meeting the Wards

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Shortly after leaving the hospital, I must have dozed off. Within the blink of an eye, we drove from the outskirts of Gotham to the lush green land of Gotham's countryside. The massive fields and woods spread miles away from Gotham and towards Metropolis. Trees and flowers of all types grow far as the eye can see. 

Shortly after, I awoke to the metal sound of gates opening, a screeching sound filling my ears. The bolt's rusting made itself heard, my eyes squinting from the sun. Its light shines through patches of clouds—a feeling of Serenity as I gazed at the clear sky. 

"The sky is beautiful when you can see it, wouldn't you agree?" Bruce asked out loud, his eyes noticing what I was curious about. 

"That would be correct, sir. The sky is one the most beautiful sign of life on the planet." The driver spoke, his voice carrying a British accent with some hint of posh glamour. "Also, apologies, master Maximus. I am Alfred Pennyworth, Master Bruce's guardian since the beginning." 

"It's uh-," I said, looking towards the elderly man. His posture meant business, but his eyes said he was a good soul. So trustworthy. "Happy to meet you, Alfred, but please call me Max or MJ. You don't have to use master."

"Much appreciated, Master Max, though unfortunately, I would much prefer to call you young master like the rest of the children." He said, a weary glint in his eyes at the mention of numerous others. 

"Wait," I said, turning to Bruce. "Exactly how many 'wards' have you taken in?" My mind imagines one or two besides myself. So I didn't think it would be that bad—one or two others my age to maybe make friends sounded fine. 

"Uh-hmm.." Bruce coughed, clearing his throat. "Well, besides you and your cousin, Cassandra, I have Dick, Jason, Stephanie, and Tim." He looked casually as if to say it wasn't that bad. I may not be the most competent person, but math suits me. 

"So what you are saying is that I have five siblings?" I asked, to which he smiled. 

"Well, technically speaking, they are all adults now except for Tim, Cassandra, and you. The others work with me, so I have stayed home for easier communication and workload. Though I guess, in a way, they still act like a bunch of kids. So yes, you would have five siblings to get to know, learn from, and maybe even love like family." He said, his attempt at assuring me everything would be fine. 

Finally arriving at the front door, I could see just how big the manor was. My old house is small enough to fit at least ten of them in this one. With Bruce's help, I got out of the car, my legs almost giving out as my feet landed on the pebbled driveway. The flight of stairs was much easier once I got my footing, so, within a few minutes, I was ushered inside and towards a dining room. 

Sitting at the end of a land dinner table straight out of a movie with royalty, I had a series of dishes set out in front of me. The only thing my mind was telling me I could handle was the dinner rolls. My stomach growled furiously as my mind realized I hadn't eaten in over four months. 

Grabbing a dinner roll, I slammed my teeth into the soft fluffy bread. The warm feeling of floating on clouds stirred within my bones. Bruce watched in admiration as I finished the first dinner roll and grabbed for a second. 

"Please, don't be shy. Alfred's roll recipe is one of a kind and still a mystery to me." He chuckled, settling his plate and grabbing food. Suddenly a significant banging noise was heard in a room farther away. The sounds of hoots and hollers carried through the halls. A loud sigh came from Bruce as he set down his fork. "Ready to meet your new family?" He asked.

With a loud bang, the dining hall's door was blown open. A group of teens and young adults collected into the room. A few immediately stopped and deadpanning on me. At the same time, the rest seemed oblivious and kept on talking. One of whom was especially loud, with a fiery redhead to match. 

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