Chapter 6: Finding the light

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It didn't take long for everything to sort of fall into place. Finding out your new family are all superheroes is one thing, but discovering your powers? That's a different journey altogether.

Over the past few weeks, I have tried relentlessly to draw out whatever power was in me. The too-familiar disappointment was the only thing I could muster. My worry that it was a one-and-done thing increased rapidly, even though Barry said it happens sometimes. I need to learn how to draw and release the power, whatever that means.

Having one of the now daily sleepovers will Wally, I was at peace with the changes in my life. I had brothers and sisters, a dad there, a sweet older man who knew exactly what to do before you needed him to, and a sweet guy who enjoyed spending time with me and making me laugh.

His latest joke makes him and Dick both bust out in hysterics. My eyes rolled the back of my head as I continued to read the book that Cass lent me. Finally, her voice was calm, not to draw attention, and she whispered, "Listen. You are Magnus, Wally is Alec, and Dick is Jace. Get it before it's gone."

Not understanding what she said, she heavily insisted I read the series. The way the author described Alec and Jace was intriguing. Like one was griping for the other. Only later he finds that he has feelings and decides to use them against the main character. The mysterious wizard Magnus shows up just as the man's feelings become an issue. The older man draws a connection to Alec, only to be passed for the bond with Jace. 

Though no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't figure out what she meant. I'd have to ask her later. My eyes grow heavy from boredom as I tune in to Dick and Wally messing around with each other. The pair looked towards me before Dick started laughing again. Wally seeming spaced out, I waved towards him, and he returned to whatever they were doing. 

Feeling the need to get out, I left the room without bothering the boys. My feet carried me along the fields behind the manor, my mind wandering what I was missing. Whatever vital piece of the puzzle, I needed to understand how to use my power. I noticed emotions play a large part in it, but it's also something else. Something around me, but what?

Not noticing where I was going, I looked to find myself somewhere along the industrial side of Gotham. The dark allies and factories add an ominous mood to the atmosphere. Most buildings have been abandoned or burnt down—many gangs have fought over the area to claim it as their own throughout the years. A loud noise caught my ears as I saw a little girl running down one of the dark allies. 

The girl whimpers along the dark streets to escape from someone calling for her. Quietly making my way closer,  the girl was afraid for her life, yet kept up the pace to keep away. The tiny feet almost collided with mine, my hand clasping her scream before it could be heard. I shushed her and picked her up into my arms. Then, telling her to be quiet, I waited till I could no longer hear the other person before setting her down. 

"Hey, what happened? Are you okay? Where's your mommy and daddy?" I asked her, the girl's eyes welling up into tears. Great, you make little girls cry now too? Attempting to calm her, I patted her shoulders and held her close before speaking again. "I'm Maxxy. What's your name, little one?"

"Lily.." She said, gently holding her arm. Her eyes became red and puffy from crying as bits of snot leaked from her nose. "My-" She said before stopping and getting sad again. "The mean man in the mask hurt daddy and took mommy away. I don't know where she could be!!" She cried to me, her hands clasping her mouth when I motioned her to quiet down. 

"Okay, do you know where your daddy is?" I asked, her head nodding yes. "Okay, take me to your daddy, and I'll see what I can do to help. How does that sound?" Giving me a sad smile, she agreed and began showing me the way. Her tiny arms pulled me down rows of factories before stopping at an old wooden building, and the old sign had become unreadable. 

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