Severin blood-fang (assassin)

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This cold-blooded assassins name is severin-bloodfang this is one cold-blooded reptile that you do not want to meet in a dark alley, he specializes in sneak attacks especially when nearby water just like a crocodile he lays at the bottom of a lake and waits for his Target to come near before leaping out and gashing at the throat with his daggers before quickly fleeing the scene leaving no trace of him.

He joined the Dark Brotherhood when coming to Skyrim on an assignment in Dawnstar he played the part of the noble errand boy to collect the pieces of mehrunes dagon's razor for Silas after taking him up to the Shrine of the prince of Destruction instantly upon given the order from The Lord of Destruction wasted no time turning on Silas killing him before the shrine gratefully taking the dagger that was gifted to him by the lord of change

Much like any good assassin Severin is all three silent precise and cunning preferring Ambush as his method of attack such as waiting in a target's closet or under their bed he wields two daggers both very different from each other one being the Daedric prince of destruction's personal artifact the other the Blade of Woe a final gift given to him by Astrid before she died. He never told her but he had feelings for her ever since she recruited him after having him repay his debt to the Dark Brotherhood for stealing grelod the kinds contract. when going for a killing blow he goes straight for the throat flashing It Wide Open before fleeing the scene

His mother was a worshiper of mehrunes dagon and had multiple artifacts from the Oblivion crisis and the Mythic Dawn which she herself was a active member of now Severin is the owner of the last remaining Daedric Crescent that was not destroyed

Head peice: dark brotherhood Hood ( archery)
Torso: dark brotherhood armor (poison resistince)
Arms: Dark Brotherhood gloves ( backstab)
Legs: dark brotherhood boots (sneak)

*gear*Head peice: dark brotherhood Hood ( archery)Torso: dark brotherhood armor (poison resistince)Arms: Dark Brotherhood gloves ( backstab)Legs: dark brotherhood boots (sneak)

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Ring: gold ruby ring "ring of Sithis" ( fortify sneak+ one handed
Necklace: gold ruby necklace "Nightmothers veil" (fortify sneak+archery)
Primary weapon: mehrunes razor

Ring: gold ruby ring "ring of Sithis" ( fortify sneak+ one handedNecklace: gold ruby necklace "Nightmothers veil" (fortify sneak+archery)Primary weapon: mehrunes razor

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Secondary weapon: blade of woe

Extra: Dark leather backpack with bedroll Daedric crossbow (Astrid's kiss)Daedric Crescent

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Dark leather backpack with bedroll
Daedric crossbow (Astrid's kiss)
Daedric Crescent

Extra: Dark leather backpack with bedroll Daedric crossbow (Astrid's kiss)Daedric Crescent

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