Gus is here?!😨

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Gus looked so shocked You were hartbroken "gus it isnt what it looks like i sware "
Gus grouled and you could swear you saw red in his eyes. "with this junkie you are going to do it with? and not me?" he was angry and broken
"Gus pelase believe me i love you gustvo i really do" you said beginning to sob "please gus "
"its true Gus i forced myself on Y/N this is not their fault" Jesse said trying to save your lover.
Guse narrowed his eyebrow "You could not control your urges and tried to come on to Y/N?!" Suddenly tyrus and viktor appeared behind gus and you got scared what was theh going to do to your lover jesse "Y/N what is that smell did you do it with walter " gus said as he sniffed you "no i did not, i would never" you said defendingly.
"you smell like a Vampire" gus send "wait he bites you didnt he.."
Your heart stopped, actually it wasnt even working before and you realized you were a vampire because of walter. you were suddenly so angry and felt like drinking blood "i cant believ this no no this cant be happening i dont even like blood oh no no no oh oh no" you said starting to hyperventilate.
Jesse frowsed and put a hand on your back "its OK it will be fine Y/N i will get walter for this" he send and you couldnt help but find him so adoreable but you were so angry with him "why didnt you tell me i was vampire you kneew" you sen to Jessy he was such a jerk why didnt he tell her? did he have hidden motivation?
Jessie was so sad "Y/N please i did not want to tell you becuse you would get so scared i am so so sorry"
You were so angry  you could feel in your head and stoxhmac. "I want to go with Guse," you said as you crossed you're arms. Gus placed hands on your shpilders and you and Guse left and as you left you can hear walyer yelling at Yessie and telling him he was a worthless nothing he was horrible he was dumb Will jesse and Y/N make up? Will guse kidnap Y/N? Will alter do somethig bad? Read in to find out next episode bye

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