024|I am your worse nightmare

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I pushed Emmett off of me as we played around in the grass and by we I mean he and Dominic tumbling into me causing us to all roll through the grass me being stuck

"You know I could kill you right now right?" I stood on my feet and looked up at him he was almost two heads taller than me it was pretty embarrassing I looked like a child looking up at him with an angry expression

Dominic stood next to him with his head turned to the side and his hand covering the bottom half of his face as if I can't see his shaking shoulders signaling he was trying to hold his laughter

"Sorry sis" he laughed and ruffled my hair causing me to kick him in his knees as he dropped down to the ground and cried out in faux pain.

Dominic looked over and laughed as I glared at him he quickly shut up causing Emmett to then laugh at him and whisper 'whipped' earning a glare from Dominic

Rose came over and helped Emmett up as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders causing slight dirt to get on her making her grimace in disgust.

Dominic did the same causing me to grimace as well because this was a brand new outfit and the jersey was custom made that didn't sit right with me.

"You're gettin dirt on me" I shoved his arm off as he chuckled and wrapped it back around me pulling me into his chest. "Sorry babe" he whispered in my ear causing me to slightly shiver which didn't go unnoticed by him.

I grumbled but wrapped my arms around his waist as he leaned down doing the same.

Lately we had been talking about what to do after we graduated...again. At first we thought about going straight back to the Volturi but we have never actually did any real traveling.

Out of the decades together as a family we've only traveled and remained hidden aside from us going to school, Carlisle to work, and Esme to grocery stores and such for appearances.

We've never actually gone place to visit for fun and live like we were human again. It became quite boring which is why I also liked being at the Volturi.

Whenever I had a mission it was usually always a new place.

After our mission was complete we were sometimes able to look around but because it was usually later in the day things weren't as lively.

Since we couldn't eat normal food, walk in the sun without because disco balls, hide our pale skin, and for some of us control our bloodlust around crowds it was kind of pointless traveling.

I never thought about being able to do any of things though. My human life ended over a millennium ago when me and my siblings were burned and betrayed by our father.

I don't even know if you could call him that. I always called him out Sperm donor because that's basically what he was. Jane and Alec didn't agree but they also didn't disagree.

After a long time if studying if it were possible amongst other things I finally did it-well I finally found it.

A way to allow us to eat and walk in the sun with sparkling. I never actually thought about doing it until I joined the Olympic Coven.

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