Chapter 23: A Blast from the Past

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A/N: Huh? What's this? An ACTUAL UPDATE?! YES YES IT IS!!

You guys have asked for a Christmas Miracle, so Here you are!! You have my good friend Kastaborous to thank for this update (thank you Kast for your motivation!!). This chapter is dedicated to Kastaborous!!

I know my updates take forever (it's been literally a year), but I want to take the time to thank you all for your patience. I know my muse is fickle, and my attention span is shorter than Viridian's sense of self preservation, but I promise that when I post a story—unless expressly stated—I will finish it.

That aside, I want to also apologize for any differences in the writing tone of this chapter. I wrote this in three days as a Christmas Gift for Kast (and, of course, all of you!!), and I haven't touched this story for nearly a year. So a quick reread and a prayer was all I had going for me here. Haha... Hopefully it's still just as fun to read as the rest of the story has been!

Merry Christmas to everyone! I hope you keep yourselves warm and cozy this winter, and please enjoy some fudge for me! All fanart can be sent to or you can reach out to me through my Discord!

Also, a fic recommendation. My friend Kast (who is pretty much the reason we've got a chapter of Viridian today), has written a bnha/FMA crossover based on one of my prompts! I helped brainstorm parts of it, and I adore this story so much!! Please check it out!!


Aizawa Shouta heaved a massive sigh as he sat down in the meeting room at UA. Not all the teachers were present, but the core of the staff was. Nezu had sprung him, Hawks and Viridian from the hospital in Hosu upon the time traveler's insistence, and the kid had locked himself in his private lab (courtesy of Powerloader) for three days straight thereafter. Only Recovery Girl had been able to see him.

Viridian had called this meeting, not Nezu. If he was being honest, he wasn't sure what he was expecting from this gathering, but he knew it wasn't going to be nice. He had no illusions that it'd also address the thing that haunted Shouta's nightmares—the White Nomu.

The creature that Viridian had barely managed to bring down in Hosu. He'd heard his friend talk about the different kinds of Nomu before—he'd seen the scars, both mental and physical. But nothing could've prepared him for the utter terror that the monster had inflicted upon him.

He'd never seen a living creature move so fast. He'd never felt so helpless before. Staring at the gaping maw of the salivating nightmare swathed in pale white scales had him feeling hot and cold from head to toe. It was a primal terror. His every instinct had warned him that this is an apex predator. He'd known without a doubt that he was nothing more than prey before it.

And yet... Viridian had managed to bring it down. That fight had been a far cry from his usual graceful motions. It was a raw struggle of predator against prey. There was nothing refined about gnashing teeth and whipping tails and the flurry of blades and kicks.

But they'd survived. Thanks to Viridian and his prior experience, they lived.

His thoughts were pulled back to the present when he saw Vlad and Maijima walk in, both looking concerned and somewhat confused. The news of the White Nomu had been kept as quiet as possible. Only Nezu and those who had fought against it were aware of it. But Aizawa was still wrapped in bandages (though thankfully it wasn't nearly as bad as the USJ's injuries had been).

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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