Ch. 1

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The ice seemed to saturate the window pane above me. We had finally hit the winter months which had come with a brutal cold front leaving only barren trees in its path. My gaze danced over the street below as people hurried into shops to get away from the sharp wind. Mud sloshed with each step they took leaving the walkway worn. Reaching out I took the luke warm coffee mug from my desk and took a long sip. After hours of filing new paperwork, my eyes were growing heavy. Thomas had left a few days ago on a work trip out of town to a new location for the company. The Shelbys all agreed it was time to expand and so that's just what we did. He left me and Jon to tend the office here while him and Polly started things up. Buisness had been slower than usual , but honestly it was a huge relief. I wasn't ready to be thrown back into the loop of things right after the holidays. Part of me was shocked that Tommy had become so adamant on taking his trip but his work ethic was proof enough that he wasn't going to slow down anytime soon. He had become obsessed with this new place and wanted everything perfect for when he returned.

That was why Jon and I had been working day and night to assure every paper was in order and filed before his return, whenever that might be. Thomas was not good at time lines and as much as he loved me he really hated having someone to anwser too. This was dramatically clear from the beginning so to relieve some stress from the both of us , I didn't ask too many questions. For now if I needed to know something Thomas would tell me.

Jon appeared in my doorway holding a pile of various folders, each tucked neatly in a row. They made a slight thud as he sat them into the filing cabinet beside my desk . He ran his fingers through his hair before letting out a brief sigh of agitation.

"I don't know how many more numbers I can look at. They are starting too blur together." He grumbled.

"Why don't you take a break? Take tommorow off to be with your kids. I can handle things here for a while." I responded.

He chuckled in amusement before looking over at me, his brow raised "As lovely as that sounds, Thomas already said no off days."

"And what Thomas doesn't know won't hurt him." I shrugged.

"I couldn't ask you to pick up my slack, it just wouldn't feel right."

"Then you take a day and I'll take one. But you first, I know your kids are dying to see you."

His smile seemed to glow from across the room. A glint of gratefulness sat in his eyes as he nodded in understandment.

"I'm afraid of Thomas but honestly I can't outdo your stubborness."

We both laughed before he retreated back into another room in the office and I returned to writing numbers on lines once more.

The room sat in silence once more as i shuffled through papers and occasionally stretched my fingers from my pen , trying to release tension in my muscles. But the dull ache in my wrist remained and I was sure it would for the next month or so until everything was prepared.

Once i had worked for another hour or so, I looked over the room again checking for anything I might have missed . Luckily Jon was more organized than the others , so although this task was time consuming, it was not chaotic. That was one of the many reasons I had requested Jon as my partner for this project. My eyes glossed over the navy blue typewriter in the corner and I lingered on it for longer than I had expected. Memories of the night I had spent several weeks ago seemed too flood my mind.

"If you make a noise , I'll have you return it back to where it came from."

And there it sat. Chills ran over my skin and I fought with the other thoughts from that night for several moments until I heard Jon's footsteps approaching again.

"So I was thinking. We could use a hand around here." Jon spoke as he plopped down into the wooden chair across from me. He wiped some sweat from his brow before continuing, "Just someone to help with filing and grunt work. Maybe we could hire an extra set of hands?"

"Without Thomas?" I questioned, stating the obvious problem with this situation.

"As long as they aren't in his office I don't think he would mind. Besides, if you hire someone he isn't going to be angry."

"You are suggesting I hire someone new so Thomas doesn't take it out on you?"

"Precisely." He smiled in a way that made it hard to argue.

"No." I shook my head, "As much as I would love to have some extra help around here it is just too dangerous. Not to mention Thomas would be livid despite the fact it was me who hired someone."

"Oh come on , Em. Just someone to work a few hours a day, nothing special. Me or Arthur will be here the whole time incase something happens. We could get things done so much faster!"

"No, Jon. This discussion is over we are not risking it."

He rolled his eyes leaning back. The weight shift caused the wooden chair to groan as he moved. I watched as he crossed his arms over his chest like a toddler who didn't get his way. It was quite comical.

"Well, I guess I'll have to take down the flyers then."

"You what?" I slammed my pen down into the hard wooden desk before locking eyes with him. His smile now turned sinister into an upturned grin.

"I assumed you would say no so I took the liberty to go ahead and start looking for a good candidate."

"Jon, this is not funny."

"I find it hilarious."

I placed my head in my hands for a moment, letting a long sigh escape my lips. My mind raced over a million different ideas and dread filled my veins as I came to only one conclusion.

"Fine." I spoke through my fingers, "When?"

"The interview time is set for tommorow."

"Tommorow?" I gazed up at him as he now stood.

"Yes and if i do recall," He sucked air through his teeth making an 'oops' like expression, "You gave me tommorow off so. Let me know how that goes!"

I watched as he quickly made for the door but i was hot on his heels . Anger poured through me, I was almost sure it was visible.

"You are not leaving me alone to do this !" I yelled after him, "Jon Shelby!"

But the front door had already clicked shut and I was left alone , seething in the hallway. My fist were clinched tight by my sides and I felt my skin warm by the second.

It appeared I had my work cut out for me.

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