Ch. 43

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[[NSFW Warning <3 tw: blood ]]

"Hide and seek..Really?" I knew my question was futile considering how many times we had played before. It was Thomas's favorite and he was very very good at it. Memories of each time we had played and each time I had been caught ran through my mind before settling on the man infront of me.

He stood tall with his hands deep inside his trouser pockets and didn't hesitate in the slightest when he nodded.

"Okay. I'm assuming you'll be counting in your office then?"

He shook his head in a way that struck as menacing. I watched his eyes track me up and down slowly before his gaze bore straight into my eyes as if he could feel the small pin pricks of anticipation running along my skin .

"Oh no. The house is out of bounds."

"What?" It came more as a gasp than a true question.

"Infact the whole yard is out of bounds." He ran his fingers through the top of his hair slowly before pointing off into the distance, straight to the woodline, "That is where I will be counting and that is where you will be running."

Running.  The word sounded so sweet but excruciatingly sinister coming from his lips. He was toying with me. He always was.

"Thomas it's dark, how am I gonna be able too see?"

He shrugged and began walking over to the location he had chosen as our start with me close behind.

"Watch your step, don't get lost , and Emilia," He smiled once we got to the edge of the woods, "Don't get caught." 

It seemed like the rules were so simple yet so unobtainable.  We could have played this at anytime during the day , he knew that but he also craved this. Thomas wanted me to feel the rush he felt on a daily basis. He wanted me to taste fear and defeat at his hands because although he wanted me to be a strong partner who understood his predicaments, he would never allow me to be in one myself. Not unless he was the culprit.

Without another word he snapped his eyes shut and began counting loud enough I'd be able to hear as I ran. Which is exactly what I did. I tucked my sweater sleeves in the palms of my hands to keep them warm as I pumped my arms running as hard as I could. There was already a path from our daily walks and adventures, which I knew well. But it wasn't as easy to navigate by the patches of moonlight that filtered through the branches above. My breathing became erratic, slightly out of fear and slightly because of how hard I exerted myself to get out here. Once i hit the first clearing I had to make a decision. Should I continue running or find somewhere near by to hide in hopes he didn't find me?

The wind roared alongside my heartbeat in my ears but I recognized the silence before it registered fully. Thomas was done counting. Without giving much more thought I dashed towards the creekside that crackled against the trees. It only took a few minutes before I was lodging myself underneath the small wooden bridge we had installed last summer. It was large enough I could fit but I had to crouch and hug my body against the wooden planks to remain hidden.

I waited for what seemed like ages , listening for leaves crunching underfoot or any indication of Thomas drawing closer. But I was left in silence. Minutes dragged by and my patience was wearing thin. I was beginning to wonder if he had left me out here when a heavy thud came from directly above where I crouch, ontop of the bridge.

Footsteps paced almost rhythmically. Back and forth over the water only pausing for a second before retreating back to the other side. I held my hand tightly against my mouth trying to remain as quiet as possible, afraid that even the rise and fall of my chest would give away my location.

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