Ch. 2

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Most of the night was spent pacing the bedroom trying to think of all the requirements I would have for our new employee. Part of them would be things I require, but most of them would be things Thomas would expect. After typing them all out I fell into a deep sleep on Tommy's side of the bed, my head nestled deep into his pillow. The strong scent of him instilled around me was so comfortable that I almost didn't wake up in time for work. As much as I hated it, the alarm clock on my side table did come in handy.

My morning shower was brisk and I dressed pushing for a more professional look than a comfy one considering today I'd be meeting potential candidates and the reason for my death sentence. It was no surprise when I pulled up to the office, a line had formed down the side walk nearly a mile long. It had to be over a hundred people here.

"I'm going to kill, Jon." I muttered to myself before getting out and walking to the front door.

Every eye followed me closely as I approached and soon I turned and cleared my throat looking over all of the faces, "My name is Emilia Shelby, I will be conducting your interview today. If you are not willing to do a background check, please leave immediately. If you are here to meet Thomas Shelby, please also leave immediately. I am looking for someone with experience in an office."

Whispers started as several people left the line and trudged away. I waited a few seconds before speaking again.

"Please understand this is an interview for the Shelby company, you will be employed under me and not my husband. This is not an interview for the Peaky Blinders."

Again more people left the line all cussing under their breath. Once the rest seemed settled I turned and unlocked the office door, making my way inside. I allowed the first patron to follow me. She was slightly taller than I was wearing a lime green dress suit, the pencil skirt tight against her legs. Both of our heels clicked against the marble floor as we headed into my office and I took a seat motioning for her to do the same.

Now that we were both sitting face to face I took a chance to look over her better .

"My name is Madison Boar." She reached over towards me to shake my hand.

Once I placed my hand in hers I took notice to how she turned my hand slightly as we shook, eyeing the ring on my finger.

It was enough for me to cut her interview short after she explained her qualifications , every one of them pertaining to a bakery.

I spent almost two hours watching people come and go, most of them were here just to see the inside of the Shelby office. It was abundantly clear which applicants really wanted a job and which ones wanted to gain access too Thomas.

My patience was thinning as I rubbed my temples waiting for the next person. If I heard one more question about Thomas or the Peaky Blinders I was going to scream. It was enough to drive any sane person to the edge.

"Um hello." A voice came from the doorway. The deep Italian accent seeped into each syllable as I watched a tall dark haired man walk into the room. His black hair was combed to the side as he held a hat in his hand. Looking over his face I met with his green eyes for a moment before looking over the rest of his features seeing a dark mustache that matched his hair. He strode over to me his hand outstretched, silver rings glinting in the light on his thumb and middle finger.

I took hold of his hand and shook carefully still taking in his whole appearance. Compared to the others , he looked well put together.

"My name is Niccoli Greco." His voice seemed to smooth as he smiled down at me.

"Emilia Shelby. It's nice to meet you." I motioned for him too sit across from me.

He unbuttoned the black suit jacket he wore before taking a seat and crossing his legs.

I wrote his name on a piece of paper next to my requirements and questions I had for each applicant.

"Are you from this area?" I started with, not because it mattered but I was genuinely curious.

"No, my family is from Italy and I came here a few years ago."

"What brought you here?"

"Work mostly. Several other things but that's the most important."

"Then I'm sure you know this job is not high paid. It also doesn't offer a lot of hours." I was honest with him.

"This would be a second job for me. Just extra cash."

"What is your line of work?"

"l'arte è la mia vita." He smiled, "I am an artist."

The way he spoke started to ease my nerves. For some reason this was the first time today I didn't feel like I was protecting something , like I was a guard dog left unattended.

"Do you know who my husband is ?" I asked intently.

He shifted in his chair but if he was uncomfortable, I could not tell. Infact it was hard to read his emotions at all.

"Sí, Mr. Thomas Shelby. A feared but powerful man."

"So why would an artist be interested in working for a man like him?"

He chuckled softly leaning back in the chair. His expression did not move, "I would not be working for Mr. Shelby, I would be working for you."

I attempted to hide my shock from his response but it didn't work. My face was too expressive too begin with and I blame it all on the mysterious man infront of me.

"Very well. Do you have experience in an office setting ?"

"I do."

"Are you able to work different hours of the day?"

"Of course."

"Do you know how to shoot a gun, Mr. Greco?"

His figure stiffened at the question. It seemed to have struck a nerve for the first time since he entered. But I watched as he forced himself to relax and he nodded, "Sadly."

"There should be no reason for you to need that skill but that is just how things are inside this company and with the reputation my husband holds." I crossed my hands onto the desk looking over him once more, "I must also warn you he has no idea that I am hiring someone so his reaction may be somewhat explosive when he returns."

Niccoli laughed tilting his head back, "I expected as much, Mrs. Shelby. You don't seem to be the type that sits quietly in line as she's told."

"Then I'm sure you will not be surprised to learn that if you do anything to endanger my family or this company I will be the one to deal with you. Not the Peaky Blinders."

"I wouldn't want it any other way. But it sounds like I have a job?"

Reluctantly I held my hand out to him again, this time taking note of every movement he makes. I watched as he took my hand and shook it, his smile still firm on his lips.

"You're hired, Mr.Greco."

"Thank you, bel tesoro"

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